Niklas Swanström
Executive Director
Svante E. Cornell
S. Frederick Starr
Chairman, Central Asia-Caucasus Institute
Frank Aum
Non-Resident Senior Fellow
Agust Börjesson
Acting Head of the Stockholm Taiwan Center and Research Fellow
Edward T. Canuel
Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow
Sandra Cassotta
Non-Resident Research Fellow
Yi-Chieh Chen
Junior Research Fellow
Joseph Yu-shek Cheng
Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow
In-bum Chun
Distinguished Military Fellow
Maud Descamps
Project Manager and Junior Research Fellow
Fatoumata Diallo
Acting Head of the Stockholm China Center and Research Fellow
Bert Edström
Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow
Per Eklund
Senior Research Fellow
Mats Engman
Head of the Stockholm Korea Center and Distinguished Military Fellow
Johan Engvall
Senior Research Fellow
Elin Eriksson
Project Coordinator (on leave)
Alec Forss
Research Fellow
Carla Freeman
Senior Fellow
Rasmus Gjedssø Bertelsen
Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow
Michael Evan Goodsite
Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow
Tove Jalmerud
Project Coordinator
Gareth H. Jenkins
Non-Resident Senior Fellow
Halil M. Karaveli
Editor, The Turkey Analyst
Suat Kiniklioglu
Senior Research Fellow
Ryosei Kokubun
Non-Resident Distinguished Fellow
Niklas Nilsson
Senior Research Fellow and Associate Editor, CACI Analyst
Johannes Nordin
Research Fellow
Josephine Ørgaard Rasmussen
Project Manager
Christopher O´ Hara
Research Fellow
Jagannath Panda
Head, Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA) and Executive Editor
Lena Sundh
Distinguished Fellow
Jeffrey Stoff
Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow
Roger Svensson
Senior Fellow
Lars Vargö
Distinguished Fellow
Riccardo Villa
Project Coordinator (on leave)
Johan Wiktorin
Non-Resident Senior Research Fellow
Yifei Zhu
Research Fellow