Organized Crime
Organised crime groups (OCGs) pose a non-traditional threat to global security. They represent a new kind of criminality which is draining billions of dollars annually from every country, including Sweden. This poses a new security challenge for both the state and the private sector. OCGs are involved in racketeering, fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, arson, robbery, murder, violence, bombings, torture, health insurance fraud, human trafficking, prostitution, drug trafficking, smuggling, white collar crimes and both political and judicial corruption or any other illegal activity where they can make a profit.
Organized crime groups often operate in well-organized transnational, national, or local groups, and cooperate to carry out coordinated illegal actions. Groups typically involve certain hierarchies and are headed by one or several powerful leader(s).Some known organized crime groups have been linked to terrorist activities.
Because OCGs operate internationally, their activities pose a severe non-traditional threat to global security, often undermining the legitimacy of governmental institutions or harming legal business endeavors.
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