The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Svante Cornell: EU har rätt svar men på fel fråga
Östra partnerskapet skapades 2009 efter Rysslands invasion av Georgien, på basis av ett svensk-polskt förslag. Tanken var att skapa ett instrument för att föra de sex länderna i Östeuropa och södra […]
Central Asia Is Not a Breeding Ground for Radicalization
Both in Europe and the United States, this argument is made with increasing frequency but it doesn’t reflect reality, argues Svante Cornell. On October 31, a citizen of Uzbekistan was […]
Centralasien – ingen grogrund för radikalisering
OPINION · ”Många pekar finger mot de centralasiatiska länderna. Problemet är att individerna i fråga inte radikaliseras i Centralasien. Förövarna i Stockholm och New York lämnade båda Uzbekistan för närmare ett […]
The Great Rejuvenation? China’s Search for a New ‘Global Order’
Executive Summary This Asia Paper explores how China, a ‘partial’ global power, can set the agenda and determine the rules in a global order dominated by a declining yet unyielding […]
Japan and North Korea: Toward Engagement for Regional Security
The current situation on the Korean Peninsula has invited debate on Japan’s perennial issue of constitutional revision. While this is a high-profile issue, other measures are needed to reduce tensions. […]
Reforming South Korea’s “Imperial Presidency”
South Korea’s constitution vests too much power in the office of the president, which raises the risk of the post being misused. This was brought dramatically into focus earlier this […]
THAAD on the Korean Peninsula
The issue of the deployment of THAAD in South Korea has stayed central both in South Korea’s domestic debates, as well as to the country's strategic position. This backgrounder, originally published by ISDP in November 2016, has been updated with recent developments on this topic.
Bad Solutions in a Complex Situation: China’s Relations with North Korea
China’s relations with North Korea are complex with a variety of bad choices and suboptimal solutions. It could be argued that the actor that has lost most in the recent tensions […]
Containing Crisis on the Korean Peninsula
North Korea’s recent missile and nuclear tests have inflamed tensions on the Korean Peninsula with serious implications for regional and international security. While punitive pressure will be brought to bear […]
”Nordkoreas mål – att bli en erkänd kärnvapenstat”
”Det är sannolikt att Nordkorea kommer att fortsätta testerna i närtid, möjligen redan senare i veckan. Den stora frågan blir då hur USA och Japan skulle välja att agera framgent”, […]