The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Russia: an Enabler of Jihad?
Russian officials have had to contain their glee in monitoring recent political events in America and Europe. They appear to think their days in the cold may soon be over. […]
China’s March West: Pitfalls and Challenges in Greater Central Asia
Central Asia constitutes a lynchpin for China’s Belt and Road ambitions. However, as Niklas Swanström and Pär Nyrén argue, Beijing also faces a number of challenges and pitfalls if Greater Central Asia […]
Assassination in Ankara: Russia, NATO, and Turkey’s Violent Politics
On December 19, Mevlut Mert Altintas, a Turkish police officer, assassinated Andrei Karlov, Russia’s ambassador to Turkey. His action was apparently meant as retribution for Russian bombings in eastern Aleppo, […]
Xi Jinping’s Foreign Policy toward North Korea
Proceedings from the 2016 NAJAKS Conference at Stockholm University, Nordic Association of Japanese and Korean Studies.
Nuclear Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Implications from EURATOM
Northeast Asia is currently facing several nuclear issues, such as the nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula and a potential arms race between the countries in the region. These issues […]
Turkey’s Proposed Constitutional Changes and Erdoğan’s Forever War
The package of proposed amendments to the Turkish constitution that were announced on December 10 foresee the gradual concentration of even more power in the hands of President Recep Tayyip […]
Turkey’s Kurdish Conflict: 2015-Present
Summary The Suruç bombing in July 2016 flared up Turkey’s most significant intra-state conflict. Since July 2015, more than 2,300 people have been killed in violent clashes. Western Turkish cities […]
Sino-Nordic Relations: Opportunities and the Way Ahead
This report provides a study the relationships between the People’s Republic of China and the “Nordic” countries of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. It will pay particular attention to the possibilities for joint Nordic regional cooperation to serve as basis for such relation. ISDP has assessed challenges and shortcomings to these relationships, and proposes a series of opportunities as to how China and the Nordic countries can expand upon beneficial mutual engagements whilst mitigating risks to core ideals and interests.
中国—北欧关系: 机遇与前景
本《报告》研究了中华人民共和国与北 欧国家(即丹麦、芬兰、冰岛、挪威、瑞典五国)之间的关系,并特别关注了 北欧以联合的地区合作为基础与中国开展合作的可能性。瑞典安全和 发展政策研究所评估了上述关系的弱点 及所面临的挑战,并为中国与北欧国家 如何在双边互惠交往中实现关系拓展, 并降低危及核心理念及利益的风险指明 了一系列机遇。
The “Logic” of Turkey’s Repression
What is the logic behind the arrests of Kurdish politicians and of liberal and leftist journalists in Turkey? From the perspective of the Turkish regime, in the wake of the […]