The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
China’s Evolving Middle East Role
Cesar Castilla discusses China's more proactive policy in the Middle East, and its implications.
Turkey’s Decline
In the aftermath of the Arab Spring in 2011, Ahmet Davutoglu, then Turkish minister of foreign affairs and now prime minister, vowed that Turkey would be the “game setter” of […]
After North Korea’s Nuclear Test: The Dilemma of Response
Sangsoo Lee and Alec Forss discuss the dilemmas faced by the international community following from North Korea’s recent nuclear test and satellite launch.
Dreams and Nightmares: Turkey’s Unspoken Drift towards Civil War
The sustained clashes in urban areas that have wracked southeast Turkey in recent months mark a new stage in the decades-old insurgency of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) and threaten […]
Financing War or Facilitating Peace? The Impact of Rebel Drug Trafficking on Peace Negotiations in Colombia and Myanmar
Rebel involvement in drug trafficking is broadly found to prolong and intensify civil wars. Being an illicit good with strong demand, high profit margins, limited barriers to entry, and few […]
Is Turkey at War with the “Islamic State?”
Terrorist attacks that target opponents of the Turkish regime and for which the “Islamic state” is held responsible are used to legitimize a “war against terrorism” that is a euphemism […]
North Korea diplomacy: Irresistible forces and immovable objects
North Korea’s nuclear test on 6 January was not a surprise. Over the past year the single cause for speculation was about how long Pyongyang would postpone the test.
Turkey the Sentinel — With a License for Authoritarian Rule
The interplay of Western interests and internal Turkish dynamics has more often boosted authoritarianism than democracy in Turkey. Turkey’s strategic value as a “sentinel” during the Cold War gave Turkish […]
South Korea: A Driver for Cooperative Security in Northeast Asia?
With regional security trends in Northeast Asia tending towards rising uncertainty and risk, the region is urgently in need of a new security model. This paper outlines why South Korea must assume […]
Turkey Transformed: The Origins and Evolution of Authoritarianism and Islamization Under the AKP
On June 7, 2015, Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) lost its majority in parliament, which it had maintained for 12 years. But, as is increasingly clear, losing an […]