The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Myanmar Election: Old Wine in New Bottles and Does it Matter?
The first week after the election in Myanmar has passed, and the regime has been condemned along with countries that have accepted the results. The British Ambassador to Myanmar, Andrew […]
Russia’s Police Reform – Medvedev’s Test?
President Dimitry Medvedev has made police reform in Russia one of his largest and most important reform projects. The police reform could be seen as a part of the larger […]
Organized Crime in Pacific – Asia: Cooperation and Challenges
Compiled by International Military Branch, China Association for Military Science, Military Science Publishing House, Beijing.
The Fight Against Money Laundering in Latvia and Sweden
The common denominator in all transnational criminal activities is money laundering, the process by which the proceeds of illegal activities are converted into means for legal investments. The fight against […]
The Role of Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking in Kyrgyzstan’s Ethnic Crisis
On October 10, Kyrgyzstan held parliamentary elections. According to reports, the elections were surprisingly free and fair. Unfortunately, the problem of state criminalization remains. The new government will face a […]
Sino-Taiwan Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA): Time to Discuss One China?
The Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) was signed by China and Taiwan in June this year and took effect on September 12. It is designed to promote closer cooperation and […]