The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
How the U.S. Promotes Extremism in the Name of Religious Freedom
On July 26, U.S. President Donald Trump announced his nomination of Kansas Governor Sam Brownback as U.S. ambassador at large for international religious freedom. The position was created by the International Religious […]
Turkey & Qatar’s Support for Extremist Groups
For a long time both Qatar and Turkey have been U.S. partners in name, but provide material support to extremist groups at the same time.
Assessing China’s Leadership in the North Korea Crisis
The ongoing nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula is testing Beijing’s ability to assume Northeast Asian leadership in the interest of its own security and regional stability. China’s actions over […]
The Raucous Caucasus
The United States must restore its leverage and credibility in the restive region caught between Russia, Turkey, and Iran. The news from the Caucasus that reaches the United States these […]
Terrordådet: Vi måste sluta brottas med skuggor
Sverige har öppnat dörren för terrorister genom en felaktig politik mot radikal islamism. Den måste ändras, skriver freds- och konfliktforskaren Svante Cornell. Sedan lördagskvällen står det klart att den 39-åring […]
Terror in Stockholm
Last week’s terror attack in Sweden should raise important questions about how the West defines its enemies. Last Friday, an ISIS supporter rammed a truck into a department store in […]
Time to Re-Engage
Whipsawed by years of foreign policy activism and then by general retreat, the United States is at risk of losing an opportunity to cement hard-won gains in Central Asia/Afghanistan. For some […]
How Can 2017 be a New Boost on China-Vietnam Relations over the South China Sea?
In China’s foreign relations regarding the South China Sea (SCS) Issues, Vietnam is undoubtedly one of the key countries that China has to face and need to be handled well […]
Myths and Mysteries: Six months on from Turkey’s Curious Coup
Six months after the failed coup of July 15, 2016, many questions still remain unanswered. Disturbingly, most can no longer be asked. Amid the purges, imprisonments and oppression, Turkey has […]
Turkey is Expecting a Restart with the U.S.
The Kurdish question has, once again, complicated Turkish-American relations. The rhetoric of anti-Americanism remains useful to whip up and mobilize nationalist opinion. Yet, Erdoğan’s Islamists are not any aspiring anti-imperialists. […]