The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Bombings in Myanmar: New Impetus for Community Engagement
A series of recent bombings in Myanmar reveal how complex business interests can derail the peace process and put into jeopardy the country’s democratic transition. Police reports attributed the bombings […]
Myanmar’s Mineral Resources: Boon or Bane for the Peace Process?
As investors look to tap into new opportunities in Myanmar’s resource and mining sectors they risk undermining the fragile peace process and provoking tensions between the government and armed ethnic […]
The Challenges of Trust Building in Myanmar
Myanmar is currently undergoing a transition in which trust building will be essential to establishing the country along a path of peaceful development.While progress has been made, there are some significant […]
Local Capacity Building and the Current Crisis in Mindanao
Violence continues to mar the ongoing peace process in Mindanao in the southern Philippines, with two groups seeking to derail the advancement of talks and the Bangsamoro Framework Agreement of […]
Striking a Balance: Myanmar and the Issue of Intellectual Property Rights
Strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights in Myanmar has the potential to act as a catalyst for economic growth, spurring foreign direct investment and in the long run helping […]
Kachin Unrest: China’s Mixed Blessing (republished)
Unrest in Myanmar’s northeastern Kachin state is a headache for Beijing. Yet it is also an opportunity to promote Chinese strategic aims in the country. China wants what Myanmar has […]
Promoting Democracy in Myanmar: Political Party Capacity Building
The burgeoning democracy in Myanmar relies on the strength and capacity of the country’s political parties. This paper by Aung Aung, a Burmese guest researcher at ISDP in 2012, explores […]
Reforming Vietnam’s Rural Economy
This year it is predicted that Vietnam’s economy will slump to a level not seen since 1999. As a result of this and factional in-fighting over this issue, on the […]
Sino–Myanmar Relations: Security and Beyond
Relations between China and Myanmar – in particular the influence of China on the government of Myanmar – have recently become a hot topic in international politics. As relations continue […]
The South China Sea: Resetting the Chessboard (in Chinese)
The U.S.’ re-engagement in the Asia-Pacific marks a significant recalibration of its foreign policy and a turning point in the power politics of the region. The impetus for this re-engagement […]