The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Stepping Back From the Brink at Preah Vihear: Cambodia and Thailand’s Choice
Regarded as a “sideshow” to U.S. foreign policy interests during America’s Vietnam era, Cambodia has often been overshadowed in the region by its more economically influential Southeast Asian neighbors. Yet, […]
The Myanmar-EU Roadmap: New Possibilities in a Changing Myanmar
More and more individuals in Europe and in Myanmar are voicing their frustration regarding the unproductive bilateral deadlock, many of whom are also proactively seeking solutions to the problematic relationship. […]
From Sanctions to Engagement: The Need for a New Policy Towards Myanmar
After close to two decades of sanctions against Myanmar, it is time to acknowledge that this strategy has not done much to promote positive development in Myanmar. Instead, it has […]
China and EU in Myanmar: Different Paths to the Same Goals
The elections that took place in Myanmar, on November 7, did not meet European expectations and many European states have responded by condemning the military government. This will do nothing […]
Myanmar Election: Old Wine in New Bottles and Does it Matter?
The first week after the election in Myanmar has passed, and the regime has been condemned along with countries that have accepted the results. The British Ambassador to Myanmar, Andrew […]
The Pipeline Dynamics in the Sino-Myanmar Honeymoon: Regional Contention and Strategic Fallout
Oil and gas seems to be the prime factor in China’s current approach towards Myanmar, and this is very much in contrast to the earlier Chinese approach. Without really worrying […]
Offering Trade Benefits for More Inclusive Elections: EU Trade Sanctions Against Myanmar Hit the Wrong Targets
When it comes to sanctions against Myanmar, Western public debate has crystallized broadly into two schools of thought – either in favor of sanctions, as a reflection of a moral […]
National Elections in the Philippines: New Leadership and New Prospects of Peace in Mindanao?
On May 10, Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino secured a majority in the national elections and will be the next President of the Republic of the Philippines. With strong electoral support and […]