Search results for: Svante E. Cornell
Learning from Kazakhstan’s January Crisis
...Introduction: In January 2022, Kazakhstan went through an unprecedented crisis. While it was since overshadowed in the eyes of the world by the events in Ukraine, Kazakhstan’s crisis marked...
No, the War in Ukraine Is not about NATO
...former U.S. officials, has essentially blamed the war on the West, and in particular NATO enlargement. The argument is basically that Russia would not have become so aggressive if Western...
Putin’s Real Motives for the Invasion of Ukraine
...Introduction: (Article in Swedish) Rysslands invasion av Ukraina har med rätta lett till starka fördömanden och ett stöd till Ukraina som saknar motstycke. Samtidigt finns det en högljudd grupp...
Kazakhstan’s Crisis Calls for a Central Asia Policy Reboot
...from the crisis, for the country’s future course and for the long-suffering American policy in Central Asia, we need to understand what really happened in Kazakhstan. While the exact circumstances...
Strong and Unique: Three Decades of U.S.-Kazakhstan Partnership
...Strong and Unique: Three Decades of U.S.-Kazakhstan Partnership, offers an insight-filled account of the evolution of the relationship between the United States and Kazakhstan. Given the U.S.’ interest in...
Political and Economic Reforms in Kazakhstan Under President Tokayev
...Executive Summary Kazakhstan’s leaders have long harbored ambitious visions for their country’s future. The country’s first President, Nursultan Nazarbayev, launched several far-reaching goals for the country’s development, most notably...
Human Rights Reform in Kazakhstan
...Introduction Kazakhstan’s leaders have long expressed ambitious goals for the country’s development, and worked to make the country a force in international affairs. To a considerable degree they have...
Kazakhstan’s Role in International Mediation under First President Nursultan Nazarbayev
...Executive Summary In the past decade, Kazakhstan has emerged as an important player in the world of mediation of international disputes. Its role in convening the Astana talks on...
Compatible Interests? The EU and China’s Belt and Road Initiative
...Executive Summary While China and the European Union are at opposite ends of the Eurasian continent, booming trade, along with China’s rise as a global power, has made their...
A Steady Hand: The EU 2019 Strategy & Policy Toward Central Asia
...Executive Summary The launch of a new EU Strategy for Central Asia in June 2019 marked a milestone in the gradual development of relations between the EU and the...