News & Media
ISDP hosted a seminar with Lee Seung Yeol
September 5, 2019: ISDP hosted a final seminar with Dr. Lee Seung Yeol of the Republic of Korea’s National Assembly Research Service. Dr. Lee ended his visiting fellowship at ISDP with a seminar entitled “Three Methods for Resolving of the North Korean Nuclear Issues: focused on policy limits.” ISDP would like to extend its deepest […]
ISDP hosted a roundtable discussion with Prof Hsih Chih Chen
September 5, 2019: ISDP hosted a roundtable discussion with Prof Hsih-Chih Chen from National Cheng Kung University, Taipei. The discussion centered around the upcoming 2020 Taiwanese presidential elections, current Taiwanese-Chinese relations in light of the 2019 Hong Kong protests, and Taiwan´s diplomatic ties with other states, such as the USA, Japan and India.
Sangsoo Lee on Radio Free Asia about developments on the Korean Peninsula
August 27, 2019: Sangsoo Lee was interviewed by Radio Free Asia about developments on the Korean Peninsula. “Before resuming working level meetings between the U.S. and the DPRK, the North Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs to prove itself capable to the DPRK leadership.”
Sangsoo Lee in Urdu Point about North Korean missile tests
August 19, 2019: Sangsoo Lee was interviewed by Urdu Point about North Korean missile tests. “Pyongyang became particularly skeptical of Seoul’s role as mediator after the North Korean leader returned from his second summit with Trump empty-handed despite hopes for sanctions relief in exchange for steps toward denuclearization.”
Niklas Swanström on SVT’s Morgonstudion about the demonstrations in Hong Kong
August 6, 2019: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by SVT’s Morgonstudion (2:38:07) about the demonstrations in Hong Kong. “Carrie Lam lägger skulden på demonstranterna och säger att detta är ert fel – vilket är vad Beijing också säger.”
ISDP received a delegation from the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament
August 5, 2019: ISDP received a delegation from the Chinese People’s Association for Peace and Disarmament. Discussions revolved around Europe as a security actor, Sino-European relations, and confidence building in international relations.
Niklas Swanström on SVT’s Morgonstudion about protests in Hong Kong
August 5, 2019: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by SVT’s Morgonstudion about the recent protests in Hong Kong. “Dessa strejker är medelklassens sätt att visa sitt stöd. I Sverige har vi ju en strejkrätt vilket inte finns i Hong Kong. Många folk blir av med sina jobb [så det är en uppoffring].”
Niklas Swanström on Sveriges Radio P1 about demonstrations in Hong Kong
August 5, 2019: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by Sveriges Radio’s P1-morgon (02:52) about the demonstrations in Hong Kong. “Läget är väldigt skarpt. Vi har inte sett en sådan här utveckling på väldigt länge […] detta kommer att eskalera.”
Alec Forss gave a presentation on the Northern Ireland peace process at Seoul National University
July 1, 2019: Alec Forss gave a presentation on lessons from the Northern Ireland peace process at the Institute of Peace and Unification Studies at Seoul National University.
Mats Engman gave a presentation at the New York World Korea Forum
July 1, 2019: Maj Gen (ret) Mats Engman gave a presentation at the New York World Korea Forum, held at Columbia University, U.S. on July 1-2. His paper and presentation was titled “How can security related Confidence Building Measures support the diplomatic peace process.”