News & Media
Niklas Swanström in TT on North Korean high-level visitor to Sweden
January 17, 2019: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by TT about North Korean vice minister Choe Son-Hui visiting Sweden, with articles in Aftonbladet, Göteborgs-Posten and Folkbladet among others. “Choe är en nyckelperson i dialogen med USA. Så vem hon kommer att träffa är givetvis intressant, men jag har inga uppgifter om vilken konferens det skulle handla […]
Gareth Jenkins in Reuters on local elections in Turkey
January 15, 2019: Gareth Jenkins was interviewed by Reuters about the local elections in Turkey. “For Erdogan, it’s about prestige, too. He had to form alliances with other parties in the last two elections, which he didn’t need to in the past […] if he loses Ankara or Istanbul this time despite the alliance, it will […]
Arthur Ding in the South China Morning Post on US-Taiwan and US-China relations
January 13, 2019: Arthur Ding was interviewed by the South China Morning Post about US-Taiwan relations. “The act reiterates the US commitment to Taiwan’s security and its support for the island, something Beijing cannot tolerate […] US-China tension will continue to flare if US-Taiwan relations fare better.”
Gareth Jenkins in CGTN about the situation in Syria
January 13, 2019: Gareth Jenkins was interviewed by CGTN about the situation in Syria. “The Assad regime is very much focused on trying to reassert its authority over the entire country, reintegrating the country and unifying the country again, not only politically but also economically.”
Sangsoo Lee in Aljazeera on Kim Jong-Un’s trip to Beijing
January 11, 2019: Sangsoo Lee was interviewed in Aljazeera about Kim Jong-Un’s trip to Beijing. “The fact that Kim’s visit came at the same time US negotiators were in China to discuss an end to the trade war is also unlikely to be a coincidence […] there could be political intention behind it.”
ISDP extends our thanks to Andrea Wernerman
January 10, 2019: ISDP would like to extend our warmest gratitude to Andrea Wernerman, Chief Financial Officer, who is leaving us after a year at the Institute. During her time at ISDP, Andrea has skillfully managed the entire Institute’s finances and has been a dearly liked colleague. Everyone at ISDP is sad to see her […]
“Why Turkey is Authoritarian” listed among top books on Turkey in 2018
January 1, 2019: Halil Karaveli’s Why Turkey is Authoritarian: From Atatürk to Erdogan has been listed by Ahval News among the six best books on Turkey in 2018. “Karaveli’s writing makes a swift read of a challenging topic and would serve as a good introduction to Turkey’s left-wing politics.”
Niklas Swanström interviewed by TT about sanctions’ effects on the North Korean people
January 2, 2019: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by TT about sanctions’ effects on the North Korean people, with articles in Tidningen Syre, Aftonbladet and Motala Vadstena Tidning. “Lättar man på sanktionerna – även om det gäller humanitära aspekter – är risken att man hamnar på ett sluttande plan, där länder som Kina och Ryssland kanske kan […]
Summary and Video of the ISDP Forum Modernization and Regional Cooperation in Central Asia – Launch Event for “A New Spring”
On December 17, 2018, ISDP held a launch event for our new Silk Road Paper on regional cooperation in Central Asia. The forum featured Dr Svante Cornell of ISDP and Mr Yerzhan Saltybayev of the Institute of World Economics and Politics under the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and was […]
Summary and Videos of the ISDP Forum Japan in the World – Toward a Larger Role?
On December 13, 2018, ISDP held a forum on Japan’s expanding role in international affairs. The Institute was pleased to welcome Major General (ret.) Mats Engman, Distinguished Military Fellow at ISDP and former Head of the Swedish Delegation to the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) in the DMZ; Professor Emeritus Kazuhiko Kawasaki at Tokai University, […]