News & Media
Torbjörn Lodén to Swedish Radio about Expelled CCP Member Cai Xia
August 18, 2020: ISDP’s Associated Senior Research Fellow, Torbjörn Lodén, spoke to Studio Ett (Swedish) about Cai Xia, the expelled Chinese Communist Party member and former professor at the Central Party School in Beijing, openly criticizing the CCP and its leader, President Xi Jinping. “Jag tror att man ska lägga ganska stor vikt vid den […]
Sangsoo Lee Participated in a Webinar Organized by the Korean Women’s Development Institute
August 4, 2020: The Head of ISDP’s Korea Center, Dr. Sangsoo Lee, participated in a webinar organized by the Korean Women’s Development Institute on the topic of humanitarian aid to North Korea as well as the issue of gender equality during the Covid-19 crisis. Dr. Lee made a presentation on disaster management and the current […]
Mats Engman Debates on Whether Europe can Deter Russian and Chinese Aggression
July 28, 2020: ISDP’s Distinguished Military Fellow Mats Engman participated in a video event hosted by the Hudson Institute to debate the economic and national security threats posed by China and Russia and what Europe can do to counter their increasingly aggressive stance.
Mats Engman Spoke to Swedish Radio about Rising Tensions Between the U.S. and China
July 24, 2020: Tensions between the U.S. and China continue to rise. The U.S. consulate in Chengdu in southwestern China has been closed in response to the closing of a Chinese consulate in Texas following spying allegations. Meanwhile, the military presence in the South China Sea is escalating. Distinguished Military Fellow at ISDP, Mats Engman, […]
Torbjörn Lodén to Swedish Radio about Hong Kong’s Security Law
July 9, 2020: ISDP’s Associated Senior Research Fellow, and Professor emeritus at Stockholm University, Torbjörn Lodén spoke to Sveriges Radio Studio Ett (Swedish) about the recently implemented Hong Kong national security law. “Syftet är naturligtvis att tysta oppostionen helt och hållet, och på kort sikt kommer man antagligen att lyckas med det, eftersom att om […]
Niklas Swanström to SVT Nyheter about the new National Security Law for Hong Kong
July 5, 2020: ISDP’s Executive Director Niklas Swanström spoke to SVT Nyheter (Swedish) about the possible consequences of the new national security law that China passed in Hong Kong on the last of June. “I det här läget [är det] väldigt svårt att säga att det här inkluderas och det här inkluderas inte i lagen.”
Niklas Swanström to TT about China’s National Security Law for Hong Kong
June 30, 2020: ISDP’s Executive Director Niklas Swanström spoke to TT, appearing in Västerbottenskuriren (Swedish), about the news that China’s National People’s Congress passed the Hong Kong national security law. “Nu har det antidemokratiska systemet tagit över. Nu är det förenat med fara att uttrycka åsikter om demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter.”
Internship Opportunity at the Japan Center
Every semester ISDP runs an internship program which is open to university students and recent graduates. The Institute currently has an opening for its Japan Center for the fall of 2020 and is looking for an intern to start in late August or early September. The internship will last between 4-6 months at the main […]
Sangsoo Lee to Izvestia Daily about escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula
June 16, 2020: The Head of ISDP’s Korea Center, Sangsoo Lee, spoke to Izvestia Daily (Russian) about escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula. “The U.S. government has already cautioned Pyongyang not to escalate further tensions. But as long as it won’t be nuclear or ICBM tests, threatening his election campaign, Trump doesn’t care much about […]
Niklas Swanström to TT about North Korea’s Destruction of Inter-Korean Liaison Office
June 16, 2020: ISDP’s Executive Director Niklas Swanström spoke to TT, with appearances in Göteborgsposten and Västerbottens-Kuriren, about the news that North Korea has blown up the joint liaison office with South Korea in Kaesong. “Det är inte mycket omvärlden kan göra nu. Jag tror att vi kommer se en större vilja att kompromissa med […]