News & Media
ISDP welcomes Love-Lis Liljeström to our Korea Center
ISDP is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Love-Lis Liljeström as a Junior Research Fellow with ISDP’s Stockholm Korea Center. Ms. Liljeström holds a bachelor’s degree in Peace and Conflict from Uppsala University and previously spent six months in South Korea at Seoul National University where she studied modern economics, the Korean language, and […]
Lars Vargö to Folk och Försvar about Japan’s Security Policy Alternatives
August 5, 2021: The Head of ISDP’s Stockholm Japan Center, Dr. Lars Vargö, answered questions from Folk och Försvar (in Swedish) about Japan’s future security policy alternatives.
Niklas Swanström to P4 Extra about Covid-19 in North Korea
July 11, 2021: Niklas Swanström was interviewed on P4 Extra (Swedish) about the Covid-19 situation in North Korea.
“Tokyo Olympics – An Uphill Battle” Recording Available Online
The full recording of ISDP’s webinar, Tokyo Olympics – An Uphill Battle, is now available on ISDP’s YouTube channel.
Mats Engman Participated in Event about Europe and Russia’s Relations with the DPRK
June 29, 2021: Major General (ret.) Mats Engman participated in an event hosted by the Universal Peace Foundation titled Europe and Russia’s relations with the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPRK – North Korea). The full recording of the webinar is available via this link.
Book Chapter by Lars Vargö: The Travels and Poems of Matsuo Bashô
The Head of ISDP’s Stockholm Japan Center, Dr. Lars Vargö, has written a book chapter in Songs on the Road: Wandering Religious Poets in India, Tibet, and Japan. Vargö’s chapter, The Travels and Poems of Matsuo Bashô, explores the life of Matsuo Bashô (1644-1694), who traveled around Japan and recorded his experiences in a poetic […]
Mats Engman, Larissa Stünkel, and Julian Tucker to Mediapart about Taiwan’s Security Environment
June 9, 2021: Mats Engman, Distinguished Military Fellow at ISDP, Larissa Stünkel, Junior Research Fellow at ISDP’s Stockholm China Center, and Julian Tucker, Research Fellow at ISDP’s Stockholm China Center, spoke to Mediapart (in French) about Taiwan’s security environment and the PLA.
“Chinese thought, Confucianism and Christian Faith: Contributions to an Ecological Culture” Recording Available Online
The full recording of ISDP’s webinar, Chinese thought, Confucianism and Christian Faith: Contributions to an Ecological Culture, is now available on ISDP’s YouTube channel.
Torbjörn Lodén to SvD about Chinese Communist Party Centenary
June 26, 2021: The Head of ISDP’s Stockholm China Center, Dr. Torbjörn Lodén, spoke to Svenska Dagbladet (in Swedish) about the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party.
Torbjörn Lodén to SvD and SR about Closure of Apple Daily
June 23 & 24, 2021: The Head of ISDP’s Stockholm China Center, Dr. Torbjörn Lodén, spoke to Svenska Dagbladet and Sveriges Radio (in Swedish) about the closure of the Hong Kong pro-democracy newspaper Apple Daily.