News & Media
Niklas Swanström in Expressen about Kim Jong-un rumors
April 25, 2020: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by Expressen about rumors that Kim Jong-un might be dead. “När man får de här ryktena så eskalerar de väldigt snabbt. Jag kan inte säga att det här är källor jag litar på, att det känns tryggt, så jag tror man ska vara väldigt försiktig.”
Niklas Swanström on Ekonomistudion about Kim Jong-un undergoing surgery
April 21, 2020: Niklas Swanström was interviewed on Dagens Industri Ekonomistudion (Swedish) about the news that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has undergone surgery. “Det är ju fortfarande bara hypoteser som kommer ut från internationell media, och många av de här analyserna är ju litegrann blandade med förhoppningar om att han ska vara sjuk, eller […]
Sangsoo Lee about U.S.-North Korea relations
April 21, 2020: Sangsoo Lee spoke to Urdu Point about rumors that North Korea sent a letter to the U.S. president. “The reaction of the North Korean foreign ministry shows that the country does not want to become a part of the political game as the presidential race unfolds in the US.”
Niklas Swanström in TT about Kim Jong-un
April 21, 2020: Niklas Swanström was interviewed by TT with appearances in Dagens Nyheter, Expressen, and Helsingborgs Dagblad about the whereabouts of Kim Jong-un. “Det som är viktigt att poängtera är att vi inte ser några ovanliga händelser runt det här. Hade han nu legat för döden då hade vi antagligen fått se mobilisering av […]
ISDP welcomes Ebba Isaksson as the new Outreach Coordinator
ISDP is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Ebba Isaksson as the new Outreach Coordinator. Ms. Isaksson is currently finishing her MA in China Studies at the Yenching Academy of Peking University, and completed her BSc in Economics and Business at the University of Amsterdam. As Outreach Coordinator, Ms. Isaksson will be coordinating the Institute’s […]
Sangsoo Lee about South Korea’s first feminist party
April 15, 2020: Sangsoo Lee talked to Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet about the first-ever feminist party to run for election in South Korea. “Stora delar av samhället är ännu inte redo att ta till sig den här rörelsens krav. Men allt fler får upp ögonen för frågorna, och kvinnors rättigheter lär spela en större roll i […]
Erik Isaksson joins the Stockholm China Center
ISDP is pleased to announce that current staff member, Mr. Erik Isaksson, will be joining the Institute’s Stockholm China Center as a Junior Research Fellow. The internal move comes as the Center grows and Mr. Isaksson follows his research ambitions. Since 2018, Mr. Isaksson has worked as the Institute’s Outreach Coordinator where he successfully handled both internal and external events as well as drove ISDP’s media strategies. Mr. Isaksson first […]
ISDP welcomes Larissa Stünkel as Junior Research Fellow
ISDP is pleased to welcome Ms. Larissa Stünkel, in the position of Junior Research Fellow with our Stockholm China Center. Ms. Stünkel previously conducted an internship with ISDP’s Stockholm Japan Center in 2019. Now, as a member of staff, her work will primarily focus on the changing bilateral relations in the South Pacific. “I am […]
ISDP’s Working Status During COVID-19 Outbreak
During this time ISDP are taking necessary precautions to cope with the spread of COVID-19. We have established a remote workplace system to ensure that our staff can work effectively from home. For the moment ISDP is working at full capacity so please feel free to contact our members of staff via email if you […]
Summary of the ISDP forum North Korean Women as Economic Agents (and Mothers) in the Sino-North Korean Borderlands
On March 02, 2020, ISDP organized a forum with Dr. Kim Sung Kyung, Assistant Professor at the University of North Korean Studies in Seoul, Editor-in-Chief of the Review of North Korean Studies and Visiting Fellow at ISDP. Dr. Kim held a lecture entitled; “Mobile North Korean Mothers as Economic Agents in the Sino-North Korean Borderland”. […]