ISDP Voices

    Alleviating China’s Malacca Dilemma

    While China is actively seeking to diversify energy routes to reduce its dependence on the Straits of Malacca, the strategic waterway still remains a safer bet than other untested alternatives, argues B.A. Hamzah. The Straits of Malacca and Singapore are one of the most vital sea lines of communication in the world, constituting the principal […]

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    Building a Culture of Peace in Northeast Asia

    A Chinese researcher once resignedly confided in me that he thought a future war between China and Japan to be inevitable. According to such a view, the arc of history amid longstanding grievances and territorial disputes narrows the odds on this eventuality. And although Northeast Asia has “enjoyed” a hard peace since the end of […]

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    Womenomics – five years on

    In 2012 ‘Womenomics’ was introduced in Japan in order to increase female employment by supporting women in the workplace. In addition to the obvious benefits of gender equality, the policies would help to ease Japan’s decades long trend of economic decline. Indeed, empirical evidence shows that boosting female employment could lead to a significant rise in Japanese […]

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    Impeachment in Seoul- the legacy of regionalist politics

    Dr Ildo Hwang explains the scandal that has led to the impeachment of South Korean President Park Geun-hye. The smoke has nearly cleared. On December 9th, the formal impeachment vote for President Park Geun-hye was passed: 234 voted for impeachment, 56 against, two abstained, seven votes were deemed invalid and one member left before the vote. As a percentage, […]

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    The Trump-effect in South Korea

    Nobody knew. Just like everyone else around the globe, the situation was exactly same in South Korea. Frustration, panic and anxiety were the initial reactions just after the US presidential elections, but, as time went on more delicate predictions began to emerge. The question is pretty simple: “What will the Trump administration’s new world order […]

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    The Fifth Nuclear Test: Weapons first, Negotiation later

    In light of North Korea’s fifth nuclear test, Dr. Sangsoo Lee delves into Pyongyang’s greater strategy. Late last week, the US Geological Survey detected a 5.3-magnitude earthquake in the area of North Korea’s Punggye-ri underground test site at about 9 a.m. local time on the 9th of September. Four hours later, North Korean state television announced […]

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    Iran-Saudi Relations: the Foreign Policy of Sectarianism

    Underpinned by confrontation with Iran, the Gulf Arab states have pursued increasingly hardline foreign policies. Razmik Krikorian examines the sharpening sectarian politics in the Middle East.  In recent years, the foreign policies of the Gulf Arab states, namely Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Qatar, have become increasingly bellicose and more openly sectarian […]

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