Search results for: Lin Han
“Yizhou 夷洲” and “Liuqiu 流求” in Historical Chinese Texts: International Relations on the Northeast Asian Seas (3rd-17th Centuries)
...the research of Ichimura Sanjirō 市村瓚次郎 in 1918, which similarly explored the question of whether Yizhou is Taiwan or Ryukyu. This paper uses the Hanyu pinyin “Liuqiu” for antiquated toponyms...
In recent years, the geopolitical fight for global economic, diplomatic, and institutional control has acutely intensified, accentuating the crisis in the existing post-World War II Liberal International Order...
The Lithuanian Gambit
...statistics . Retrieved April 13, 2024, from Forsby, A. B. (2022, June 24). Falling out of Favor: How China Lost the Nordic Countries. The Diplomat. Retrieved from Han,...
Taking Stock of China’s Anti-Discrimination Legislation
...of Ethnicity The Chinese government recognizes the existence of 56 ethnic groups (minzu). The country is populated by a majority of Han Chinese, with the remaining 55 minority nationalities or...
Human Rights in China
...increased. Affirmative Action campaigns have had some success, but are often frustrated by divergent perceptions within the PRC – with the Han majority viewing them as overly generous subsidies and...
Chinese Cultural Security in the Information Communication Era
This paper addresses the subject of cultural security which has increasingly come into focus in China in recent years with greater attention being accorded to such by the...
Taiwan-Japan (Unofficial) Relations: In a Sea of Troubles
...Tsai campaigned for Taiwan to be less economically dependent on China, which remains Taiwan’s largest trading partner, her Kuomintang opponent, Han Kuo-yu – viewed by many as harboring a pro-Beijing...
Bashô: Blommornas, fåglarnas och månens poet
...skolbarn har någon gång fått läsa och diskutera dikter han har skrivit. Premiärministrar har citerat honom i offentliga sammanhang och hans dikter kan påträffas såväl inhuggna i sten som på...
Följer Frankrike i Trumps spår?
...konstaterar att extremismen växer överallt. – Ultrahögern bara väntar på en konfrontation. Och jag tror att den konfrontationen kommer att ske, förutspådde han när han talade inför franska nationalförsamlingens försvarsutskott...
Konfucius samtal
...Konfucius samtal betraktas som det mest inflytelserika verket i Kinas historia. Trots att Konfucius levde för 2 500 år sedan är han än idag flitigt citerad och hans lära...