Search results for: Dong Yon Kim
Will Kamala Harris Reignite Dialogue with North Korea if Elected in 2024?
...not cozying up to, “tyrants and dictators like Kim Jong-un, who are rooting for Trump.” She was, of course, referring to defending American interests and values in her foreign policy...
Deciphering North Korea’s Military Activities
...under the leadership of Kim Jong Un. By analyzing public military activities, often portrayed as a “show of force,” it attempts to interpret the underlying political and strategic intentions that...
Negotiating North Korea’s Nukes
...The UN Security Council has adopted nine major resolutions imposing sanctions on North Korea for its nuclear and missile programs. • North Korea accelerated its nuclear development under Kim Jong...
Sustaining Dialogue on the Korean Peninsula
...And in the DPRK, Chairman Kim Jong Un may need to choose maintaining support and saving face with his citizenry, over tolerance for unilateral demands from the U.S. A review...
What to Make of Kim Yo Jong’s Verbal Attack of South Korea’s Defense Minister
...Introduction: Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of the North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and a leading voice on inter-Korean relations, said on Sunday that “South Korea may...
North Korea’s Overture on Nuclear Talks and Inter-Korean Relations for 2022: ‘Strategic Patience’
...North Korea held the 4th Plenary Meeting of the Workers’ Party’s 8th Central Committee from December 27 to 31. According to the North’s state media, Kim Jong Un mostly...
Denuclearizing North Korea: Challenges and Opportunities after Hanoi
...normalization of relations as the end points of a long-term process.* The long awaited second summit on February 27-28 in Hanoi between North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and U.S. President...
Understanding North Korea’s Internal Strategy
...In light of the recent, positive developments on the Korean Peninsula (chief among them the apparent 180-degree turnaround by Chairman Kim Jong Un on the issue of denuclearization)...
The fragile state of democracy in Korea: Martial law, division and an uncertain future
...alongside former Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun, appears to have orchestrated what I am calling a “palace coup.” This betrayal of democratic norms has sent shockwaves throughout the nation. While Yoon...
Kamala Harris and North Korea: Between Continuity, Pragmatism, and Strategic Realignment
...its political, military, and economic attention. This has spilled over onto the Korean Peninsula, where the Biden administration, constrained by necessity and mindful of the failures of the Trump-Kim summits,...