Search results for: S. Frederick Starr
Turkey’s Authoritarian Legacy
...It’s tempting to blame the country’s recent slide into repression on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s thirst for personal power. But did the ruling Islamist party ever really abandon the...
Obligations & Roles of the U.S. and Neighboring Countries for the Reunification of Korea
...Current developments on the Korean Peninsula necessitates that more steps need to be taken towards reunification. With this aim in mind, Hwang, outlines the responsibility and role that both...
Assessing China’s Leadership in the North Korea Crisis
...The ongoing nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula is testing Beijing’s ability to assume Northeast Asian leadership in the interest of its own security and regional stability. China’s actions...
EU:s politiska elit har blundat för folklig oro
...Den 29 mars begärde Storbritannien formellt utträde ur EU. Förhandlingarna kan bli svåra och långdragna, men om vi nu har hämtat oss efter brexit-chocken kan vi se fram emot...
Collective Bargaining: New Hope for China’s Workers?
...In China, rising economic and social inequality mean that labour tensions are high. President Xi Jinping has responded with a new idea where the All China Federation of...
Ticking Clocks: Erdoğan and Turkey’s Constitutional Referendum
...Whatever the outcome, the Turkish constitutional referendum on April 16 will not resolve the country’s chronic domestic instability, heal its deepening social divisions, revive its flagging economy or end...
A Reflection on U.S. Grand Strategy: Trump and the Challenge for South Korean Diplomacy
...Ildo Hwang traces the contours and ideological underpinnings of U.S. foreign policy to the present day, as well as assesses the potential implications of Trump’s presidency for South Korea in...
Myths and Mysteries: Six months on from Turkey’s Curious Coup
...Six months after the failed coup of July 15, 2016, many questions still remain unanswered. Disturbingly, most can no longer be asked. Amid the purges, imprisonments and oppression, Turkey...
Turkey is Expecting a Restart with the U.S.
...anti-imperialists. What they want – and what they expect that Turkey is now going to get – is simply a better “business deal” with the United States under Donald Trump....
China’s March West: Pitfalls and Challenges in Greater Central Asia
...Central Asia constitutes a lynchpin for China’s Belt and Road ambitions. However, as Niklas Swanström and Pär Nyrén argue, Beijing also faces a number of challenges and pitfalls if...