The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Not Drawing a Parallel. Ukraine and Taiwan: An Indian Perspective
Russia’s war against Ukraine has not only had economic, diplomatic, and geopolitical repercussions, but also exaggerated the fear of accelerated conflicts in the Indo-Pacific, a region with several unresolved conflicts […]
Intersecting Horizons: The Nexus of Maritime Security and Global Health
The maritime industry is often regarded as one of the primary engines of the global economy as it is the backbone of global trade, accounting for around 90 percent of […]
EU-Thailand FTA Negotiations: IUU Fishing and Human Rights Remain Obstacles
Thailand’s fishing industry, which at its height saw as many as 200,000 migrant workers from neighboring Laos, Myanmar, and Cambodia caught in a brutal system of abuse, withered global criticism […]
Trade, Connectivity and Supply Chains in EU-India Relations
In the decade and a half since 2007 when the EU and India first started their FTA negotiations, the world economic order has undergone a sea change. During that period, […]
The Balance of Power: Taiwan’s TSMC-led Economic Might and Cross-Strait Relations
Following my previous article on the role stock exchanges play in maintaining a delicate peace between China and Taiwan, I was asked specifically about the ramifications of Taiwan’s burgeoning stock […]
India-Sweden Strategic Compass, Vol.3, No.1, January-February 2024
How are India and Sweden positioning themselves in the year 2024? The year 2024 is historic in terms of elections being held throughout the world. About half of the world’s […]
Sweden Joins NATO: Implications for the Indo-Pacific
On March 7, almost two years after it first submitted its application and a year after Finland joined the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Sweden officially became part of NATO’s […]
Needed, a Framework to Protect Undersea Cables
In the data-driven world we live in, submarine cables are the arteries that connect nation-states and their people in literally every human activity, including trade, commerce, entertainment, and social interactions. […]
India-Japan-Philippines: A Strategic Maritime Trilateral or More?
Regional states like India, Japan, and the Philippines have been seeking cooperative solutions with other middle powers that can both counter the Chinese influence and fulfill other economic as well […]
The Political Split at the Heart of Taiwan’s Struggle against Foreign Disinformation
Taiwan’s struggle against foreign disinformation and concerns about China’s impact on its 2024 election has received much international attention recently. This issue brief examines the domestic and international politics behind […]