The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Desecuritizing the Kurdish Question and Emerging Regional Dynamics
Desecuritizing the Kurdish question has become a priority for Turkey’s AKP government as it seeks to enter into a domestic “solution process” with the PKK. However, emerging dynamics in Iraq […]
Toward Crisis Management in East Asia’s Seas
Maritime disputes in in the East and South China Seas escalated in 2013 and remain locked in a dangerous cycle of action and reaction with the attendant danger of a direct […]
Park seeds ‘peace’ in the DMZ
Park Geun-hye hopes to displace some of the misnomer of the Demilitarized Zone by turning part of the heavily mined buffer between the two Koreas into a “park for peace”. […]
Bangkok protests: A view from the ground
The week here in Bangkok began in dramatic fashion. A small improvised bomb exploded at an anti-government protest site, injuring six on Monday morning. The explosion followed a weekend accented […]
China and Vietnam: Managing Tensions in Troubled Waters
In spite of competing claims over the Spratly and Paracel Archipelagoes and maritime areas in the South China Sea, China and Vietnam have sought, with some degree of success, to […]
China, Vietnam, and the South China Sea: Disputes and Dispute Management
This article examines recent developments in the South China Sea; in particular, the China-Vietnam relationship. The developments are presented in the broader context of the Sino-Vietnamese approach to managing border […]
A new wave of violence and Buddhist nationalism in Myanmar
At least 40 Muslims are reported to have been killed in Buddhist-led attacks in Myanmar’s Rakhine State last week, a Fortify Rights report released last Thursday stated.
Conflict resolution and dispute settlement in the South China Sea region (part 2)
The most extensive bilateral talks are the ones between China and Vietnam since the full normalisation of their relations in late 1991. In order to manage their territorial disputes China […]
A Tale of Two Koreas: Breaking the Vicious Circle
This paper traces the history of inter-Korean relations, highlighting that the failure of the ROK and DPRK to recognize each other remains a key obstacle to normalizing relations and resolving […]
Careful Stewardship: Managing Myanmar’s Bumpy Road Ahead
Myanmar’s transition process has proceeded apace with significant results already achieved. However, bumps are to be expected on the road ahead which may temporarily throw Myanmar off track. Thus there […]