Ozan Serdaroglu
Former Associated Research Fellow
Dr. Ozan Serdaroglu received his MA and Ph.D degrees from the “Institut d’Etudes politiques” in Aix-en-Provence. Before joining the ISDP he was working as Assistant Professor and Director of Vocational School at the “European University of Lefke”. He has also been affiliated with “Institut de recherches et d’études sur le monde arabe et musulman”, UNESCO and the European Commission.
Dr.Serdaroglu specializes in issues of political and economic development, collective action, regional integration, EU affairs and Euro-Turkish relations. Additionally, he has research experience in voting behavior, intercultural communication, Turkish polity and entrepreneurship.
Publications by Ozan Serdaroglu
After the Deal: The EU and Iran’s Energy Promise
The EU has played an instrumental role in negotiating the interim agreement on Iran’s nuclear program. Ozan Serdaroglu argues that while the prospective lifting of sanctions under a final deal […]
Turkey and China: An Emerging Partnership?
To what extent do deepening Sino-Turkish relations presage a new strategic partnership as Ankara looks for a more independent posture vis-à-vis Western powers? This policy brief assesses the significance of […]
Desecuritizing the Kurdish Question and Emerging Regional Dynamics
Desecuritizing the Kurdish question has become a priority for Turkey’s AKP government as it seeks to enter into a domestic “solution process” with the PKK. However, emerging dynamics in Iraq […]
New Juncture in EU-Turkey Relations?
With the issuing of the EU Commission’s Progress Report on Turkey, it would appear that there is fresh impetus for EU-Turkey relations to be placed on an improved footing after […]
Crystallizing Faultlines: Turkey’s Democratic Durability At Risk
In the aftermath of the anti-governmental Gezi demonstrations of May-June and the conclusion of the Ergenekon trial earlier this month, clear fault-lines are crystallizing in the Turkish political landscape, with […]