The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
The EU and Kazakhstan: Developing a Partnership in Trade and Transport
In 2015, the EU revised its Strategy for Central Asia, and finalized an Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with Kazakhstan. These welcome steps will not turn the EU into a […]
Fourth Vector: Making Sense of Kazakhstan’s Activism in International Organizations
Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Kazakhstan has developed a track record of being the most proactive and innovative former Soviet republic in the sphere of international cooperation. Kazakhstan’s […]
Kazakhstan: An Island of Stability in a Turbulent Region
Kazakhstan’s stability and predictability has been central to the newly uprgraded status of relations with the European Union. Key to this is Astana’s model of orderly and centralized reforms as […]
Hydropower and Social Conflict in Vietnam: Lessons for Myanmar
Harnessing Myanmar’s hydropower, while essential for the country’s development, has significant potential to stir social unrest in ethnic states. Trang Do and Elliot Brennan argue that Vietnam’s experience in this […]
Myanmar and the Case for UN Resolution 1325
From sexual violence to socio-economic hardships, women have borne a disproportionate share of the burden in Myanmar’s decades-long civil war. As the country undergoes a protracted peace process, more needs […]
Park’s “Trustpolitik” Challenge
Half-way into her presidential term, how has South Korean President Park Geun-hye’s “trustpolitik” fared in regard to assuaging tensions and dispelling mistrust vis-à-vis North Korea? Sangsoo Lee and Bernt Berger […]
Averting Crisis in the Spratlys: Towards a Regional Naval Forum
As China seeks to bolster its claims over the Spratly archipelago in the South China Sea, incidents between navies have the potential to spiral into more dangerous escalations. To avert […]
U.S.-China “Dual Leadership”: The Rise of a New Balance of Power in East Asia?
China’s rising economic clout combined with enduring U.S. military superiority reflects the emergence of a new albeit asymmetric balance of power, argues Quansheng Zhao. Uncertainties notwithstanding, this new order of […]
The Rohingya and Islamic Extremism: A Convenient Myth
The plight of Myanmar’s minority Muslim population, the Rohingya, has received widespread international attention, most notably in light of the ongoing refugee boat crisis. Within Myanmar itself, however, many actors […]
Anchoring Indo-Japanese Maritime Relations
Ensuring security of energy supplies and safeguarding sea lines of communication are underpinning increasing maritime ties between the net-energy importers of India and Japan. At the same time, argues Rupakjyoti […]