The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
West Africa’s New Drug of Choice: The Rise of Methamphetamine
West Africa is rapidly evolving from a cocaine transit corridor from Latin America to Europe into an independent methamphetamine production and distribution center. This policy brief by ISDP’s Transnational Threats […]
Reed Bank: Next Flashpoint for China and the Philippines in the South China Sea?
The Philippines is seeking to develop the seabed hydrocarbon resources of Reed Bank in the South China Sea, an area under dispute with China. Should Manila put plan to action, […]
Tallying the Hidden Environmental Costs of Drug Production
Drug production is a significant factor in widespread environmental degradation, yet a lack of reliable data makes it difficult to pinpoint the extent of this damage. Future research should be […]
Japan and Illicit Drugs: A Neglected Success Story
While having witnessed three so-called epidemics in its postwar history, the prevalence of drug abuse in Japan is in fact remarkably low compared to most other countries and constitutes a […]
China’s Stakes in the Ukraine Crisis
The crisis in the Ukraine and Russia’s intervention in the Crimea throws an important spotlight on China’s position and stakes regarding the issue. While it has refrained from openly critcizing […]
Desecuritizing the Kurdish Question and Emerging Regional Dynamics
Desecuritizing the Kurdish question has become a priority for Turkey’s AKP government as it seeks to enter into a domestic “solution process” with the PKK. However, emerging dynamics in Iraq […]
Pakistan’s Nuclear Security: Separating Fact from Fear
For more than a decade fears have been voiced by the international community at the prospect of Pakistan’s nuclear weapons falling into the hands of terrorists or other non-state actors. […]
Rape and Reform: India’s Changing Attitudes
It has been just over a year since the Delhi rape case in which a female student was raped and died from her injuries. In its wake, massive protests and […]
Carving up the Skies: China’s New Air Defense Zone
China’s establishment of a new Air Defense Identification Zone has heightened tensions in Northeast Asia, with Japan, South Korea, and the United States having been swift to react to Beijing’s […]
Hostage to History: Japan-South Korea Relations
With the two leaders of Japan and South Korea having failed to hold an official meeting between them since coming to office, historical issues remain a thorn in the the […]