Zack Nhan
Former Intern
Mr. Zack Nhan was an intern at the ISDP’s Stockholm China Center for spring 2022. He holds a bachelor’s degree with a major International Relations and a minor in Human Ecology from the University of Gothenburg University, Sweden. As part of his undergraduate studies, Mr. Nhan studied two exchange semesters abroad at Fudan University in Shanghai, China, as well as successfully completing a 6-month internship at the Embassy of Sweden in Manila, Philippines. Recently Mr. Nhan completed a master’s degree in International Affairs – Specializing in Security & Sustainability – at Hertie School in Berlin, Germany. His research interests include international politics; sustainability; climate change policy; environmental politics; geopolitics, with a particular interest in East Asia; and Chinese politics.
Publications by Zack Nhan
Sino-Russian Relations, From Where – To Where
Since 1949, relations between the Soviet Union/Russia and China have been oscillating between formal military alliances and military border clashes. In the early phases, the cooperation was beneficial for both […]