Search results for: Niklas Swanström
European Economic Self-defense in the Face of Authoritarianism
...something that has led to robust and necessary responses from the European economies, but also to immediate costs. Read this piece by Niklas Swanström in CENTRUM BALTICUM. ...
Towards a Sustainable Arctic: International Security, Climate Change and Green Shipping
...resource development, and military security, featuring new material written after Russia’s second invasion of Ukraine. This co-edited book by Michael Goodsite & Niklas Swanström is published under World Scientific....
South Korea’s Indo-Pacific Strategy: Ambitions and Reality
...because it attempts to balance the negative impact the shift could have on its relations with China. Read this article by Niklas Swanström at the Prospects & Perspectives....
Johns Hopkins SAIS Faculty and Fellow Reflections: The War in Ukraine at One Year
...state of the war, the varying international responses to it, and the complex global implications it holds for the future. Niklas Swanström It has come as a surprise for Russia,...
Russian Foreign Policy in 2020: Strengthening Multi-vectoralism
...Sino-Russian Relations: Expectations, Illusions, and General Trends by Niklas Swanström Abstract China and Russia have consistently been building strategic cooperation between one another. Even as Russia has sometimes...
Post-Pandemic Asia: A New Normal for Regional Security?
...Linking Economic and Security Factors and Policies After the Pandemic by Niklas Swanström Abstract The Sars-CoV-2 pandemic (also called Corona pandemic in this chapter) is a challenge that...
Hong Kong in China’s Geopolitical Gaze
...Dr. Phil C.W. Chan and Dr. Niklas Swanström return to the ongoing demonstrations in Hong Kong, examining the challenges they present for China. They unravel the international dimensions of...
Nordkorea – strategisk hotspot
...tveksamt att man militärt skulle stödja landet utan en direkt amerikansk invasion av Nordkorea som hotar kinesiska intressen, skriver Niklas Swanström. Situationen på Koreahalvön har kraftigt försämrats under 2017. Kärnvapen-...
”Nordkoreas mål – att bli en erkänd kärnvapenstat”
...framgent”, skriver Niklas Swanström. Varför har Nordkorea genomfört de senaste missil- och kärnvapentesterna? De senaste missil- och kärnvapentesterna är en del i en långsiktig plan att trygga säkerheten för regimen...
China’s New Silk Road: a Security Deficit?
...and security or the New Silk Road initiative will be difficult to implement, writes Niklas Swanström, an internationally renowned expert on Chinese foreign policy and security in Northeast Asia....