Search results for: S. Frederick Starr
Sunday’s election in Thailand unlikely to bring reprieve
...After a three-hour meeting on Tuesday between the Election Commission (EC) and Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, the caretaker government has decided to press ahead with the general election scheduled...
Carving up the Skies: China’s New Air Defense Zone
...China’s establishment of a new Air Defense Identification Zone has heightened tensions in Northeast Asia, with Japan, South Korea, and the United States having been swift to react to...
Careful Stewardship: Managing Myanmar’s Bumpy Road Ahead
...Myanmar’s transition process has proceeded apace with significant results already achieved. However, bumps are to be expected on the road ahead which may temporarily throw Myanmar off track. Thus...
Myanmar’s Economic Reform and Development: Prospects and Challenges
...Implementing economic reform is an imperative for Myanmar. Since the new civilian government came to power in 2011, it has undertaken a series of reform measures with varying degrees...
South Korea’s “Island of Peace”: A Flashpoint in the East China Sea?
...Renewed impetus has been put into building a military naval base on the strategically located island of Jeju, off the coast of South Korea. With the rise of tensions...
Erdogan VS. Koç Holding: Turkey’s New Witch Hunt
...Following the Taksim square protests, Prime Minister Erdogan has instigated a witch hunt targeting the country’s largest industrial conglomerate, the Koç Group. Since the Koç Group-owned Divan hotel allowed...
Myanmar’s Mineral Resources: Boon or Bane for the Peace Process?
...As investors look to tap into new opportunities in Myanmar’s resource and mining sectors they risk undermining the fragile peace process and provoking tensions between the government and armed...
Crystallizing Faultlines: Turkey’s Democratic Durability At Risk
...with parties reinforcing the divide by shoring up their respective core support bases. This trend brings with it the attendant danger of a more polarized Turkey and ushering in an...
Reinventing Human Security: Lessons from Chinggis Khan’s Biography
...The concept of human security has enjoyed some prominence in development and security studies/policy, especially within several Asian nations. While criticized as too broad for policy application, human security...
India’s Shale Gas Boom: Dream or Reality?
...As India prepares for the release of its long anticipated shale gas policy, pressure continues to mount on New Delhi. An increase in coal imports over the past 12...