ISDP Taiwan-Nordic Forum 2023 – Day 2: Digital Diplomacy – Recording available online

March 21, 2023: The recording of the second day of the 2023 Taiwan-Nordic Forum is now available on ISDP’s YouTube channel.
As part of ISDP’s Taiwan Studies Project, the Institute is hosting the Taiwan-Nordic Forum 2023. The forum will bring together Nordic and Taiwanese scholars and experts who are distinguished figures in their respective fields, in an effort to better understand conflicting political, economic, and diplomatic realities, ISDP hopes that this will provide a platform for valuable discussion and exchange.
Governments the world over are increasingly taking to social media platforms to promote their visions and policies. Especially for governmental entities with smaller manpower, resorting to “digital diplomacy” appears to have proven beneficial in terms of reaching larger numbers of people – including Sweden and Taiwan. For the former, digital avenues mean greater exposure globally, while the latter’s digital diplomacy channels serve a perhaps even more profound function in raising awareness about the self-governing island’s geopolitical predicament. Yet, what exactly is the current state of affairs for digital diplomacy? How do current political developments impact social media platforms used to promote governmental content?
Panel 2:
Chiayo Kuo, Founder, Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association
Dr. Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy, Affiliated Scholar, Department of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Bo-jiun Jing, Research Fellow, Asia Program and Stockholm China Center, ISDP