ISDP Taiwan-Nordic Forum 2023 – Day 2: Digital Diplomacy

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As part of ISDP’s Taiwan Studies Project, the Institute is hosting the Taiwan-Nordic Forum 2023. The forum will bring together Nordic and Taiwanese scholars and experts who are distinguished figures in their respective fields, in an effort to better understand conflicting political, economic, and diplomatic realities, ISDP hopes that this will provide a platform for valuable discussion and exchange.
The event is scheduled for March 17, 20, and 23, and will be divided into three hour-long panel discussions, each dealing with a key issue that will be of vital interest for both the Nordic countries and Taiwan in the foreseeable future:
Day 1, March 17: “Innovation – Learning Across Borders”
Day 2, March 20: “Digital Diplomacy”
Day 3, March 23: “Energy Transition”
Panel 2: “Digital Diplomacy”
10:00 am – 11:00 am (CET)
Governments the world over are increasingly taking to social media platforms to promote their visions and policies. Especially for governmental entities with smaller manpower, resorting to “digital diplomacy” appears to have proven beneficial in terms of reaching larger numbers of people – including Sweden and Taiwan. For the former, digital avenues mean greater exposure globally, while the latter’s digital diplomacy channels serve a perhaps even more profound function in raising awareness about the self-governing island’s geopolitical predicament. Yet, what exactly is the current state of affairs for digital diplomacy? How do current political developments impact social media platforms used to promote governmental content?
Chiayo Kuo, Founder, Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association:
Chiayo is the founder of the Taiwan Digital Diplomacy Association, a strategic marketing organization that bridges Taiwan and other countries through social media and data analysis. Chiayo has moved between different countries in the past 5 years. As a social impact nomad, she has worked with Hungarian Roma, Greek refugees, Kosovo National Museum, Taiwanese startup center, Vietnamese medical institutions, and has participated in HBO and BBC productions. Her works have been seen in more than 100 international media sources. Currently, she is also a member of the international affairs committee of the Taiwan Network and Information Center, and the board of Radio Taiwan International.
Dr. Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy, Affiliated Scholar, Department of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Brussel:
Dr. Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy is an Affiliated Scholar at the Department of Political Science of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Free University of Brussels), Associated Research Fellow at ISDP, and Head of the Associate Network at 9DASHLINE – a fast-growing platform dedicated to offering original comment and analysis on issues affecting the Indo-Pacific. She is also a Research Fellow at Taiwan Next Gen Foundation, Expert Consultant on China, Taiwan and the Korean Peninsula of Human Rights Without Frontiers. Currently Zsuzsa conducts research as a Taiwan Fellow hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan, and is an Assistant Professor at the National Dong Hwa University in Hualien. Zsuzsa’s fields of expertise are EU foreign and security policy, European normative power and human rights, EU relations with China and Taiwan in the Indo-Pacific.
Bo-jiun Jing, Research Fellow, Asia Program and Stockholm China Center, ISDP