ISDP Taiwan-Nordic Forum 2023 – Day 1: Introduction & Innovation – Learning Across Borders

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As part of ISDP’s Taiwan Studies Project, the Institute is hosting the Taiwan-Nordic Forum 2023. The forum will bring together Nordic and Taiwanese scholars and experts who are distinguished figures in their respective fields, in an effort to better understand conflicting political, economic, and diplomatic realities, ISDP hopes that this will provide a platform for valuable discussion and exchange.
The event is scheduled for March 17, 20, and 23, and will be divided into three hour-long panel discussions, each dealing with a key issue that will be of vital interest for both the Nordic countries and Taiwan in the foreseeable future:
Day 1, March 17: “Innovation – Learning Across Borders”
Day 2, March 20: “Digital Diplomacy”
Day 3, March 23: “Energy Transition”
Opening Remarks
10:00 am – 10:15 am (CET)
Dr. Klement Ruey-sheng Gu, Representative, Taipei Mission in Sweden
Dr. Torbjörn Lodén, Head of the Stockholm China Center, ISDP
Panel 1: “Innovation – Learning Across Borders”
10:15 am – 11:15 am (CET)
Governments in both Scandinavia and Taiwan are dedicating significant resources to bolster innovation, be it in tech, environmental protection, or even health care. Yet, what does it mean for a government to facilitate innovation? Could there be lessons learned for policymakers in different contexts on how to approach “innovation”, perhaps in spite of contextual differences?
Dr. Carol Yeh-yun Lin – Department of Business Administration, National Chengchi University:
Dr. Carol Yeh-Yun Lin is a Distinguished Professor at the Department of Business Administration at National Chengchi University (NCCU). Dr. Lin has served as the Dean of Office of International Corporation, Dean of Students Affairs, Director of the Center for Creativity and Innovation Studies, Director of International Education and Exchange, and the Founding Director of the International MBA program at NCCU. She was awarded the Outstanding Research Award by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the MOST Special Talent Award, the Outstanding Public Servant Award by the Ministry of Education, the Outstanding Service Award by NCCU, the Special Teaching Award by the College of Commerce (NCCU), and numerous Special Research Awards by NCCU. Dr. Lin’s research areas include social innovation, intellectual capital, strategic human resource management, and SME management. Apart from having authored more than 170 academic papers, Dr. Lin also published 16 books in English. In addition, she served as the treasurer and board member of the New Club of Paris in France and as Overseas Advisor for SAIKA (Intellectual Capital as a Driver of National Economy in Finland). She currently supervises the ICDF (International Cooperation Development Fund), an affiliation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Dr. Bjørn T. Asheim – University of Stavanger, Norway:
Dr. Bjørn Asheim is a professor of economic geography and innovation theory at the University of Stavanger Business School, Norway. He was the co-founder, deputy director and director of CIRCLE at Lund University, 2004-2012. Asheim previously served as professor of economic geography at the University of Oslo and Lund University. He has been editor of Economic Geography and Regional Studies. In 2011 professor Asheim became an Academician at the British Academy of Social Sciences. He is internationally well-known within the field of economic geography and regional innovation studies. He has pioneered theories of regional innovation systems and learning regions and has developed the differentiated knowledge base approach.
Dr. Jagannath Panda, Head of the Stockholm Center for South Asian and Indo-Pacific Affairs (SCSA-IPA) and Editor, ISDP