ISDP Voices

    Article 9- Ending Japanese Exceptionalism

    Over recent years, Japan’s constitution has been hotly debated. In large part dictated by the allied authorities at the end of World War Two, it is sometimes called the “Peace Constitution,” since its Article 9 stipulates that, “the Japanese people forever renounce war as a sovereign right of the nation and the threat or use of […]

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    South Korea’s New President

    With exit polls strongly indicating that Democratic Party candidate, Moon Jae-in will become South Korea’s next president, here’s our round-up of his policy platform. North Korea A permanent and peaceful resolution to the North Korean nuclear issue is one of Moon’s top priorities. Accordingly, he has vowed to develop south Korea’s defense capabilities to counter threats from […]

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    Post-Strategic Patience

    The conflict on the Korean Peninsula has moved into a new and dangerous phase. North Korea’s rhetoric and unabated march towards ever greater missile and nuclear capability, combined with Trump’s erratic but hardline style, have many analysts seeking to draft the next chapter of the Korean story post-strategic patience. The dispatch of a U.S. navy strike group […]

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    The Contest for Human Rights

    By unpacking some of the key ideas within the human rights debate, this blog post argues that the debates and discussions surrounding human rights are essential for its promotion. The notion of human rights is heavily contested and politicized. After the Second World War when the human rights debate took center stage there were noticeable differences in conceptions of human […]

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    Northern Ireland’s “Stale” Politics

    Continued failure to identify a shared political vision for the future hampers any prospect of a genuine fresh start after the Northern Ireland’s election, argues Alec Forss. Northern Ireland’s election to the Stormont assembly on March 2 was billed as the most important since the signing of the 1998 Good Friday Agreement, the peace deal […]

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    “Mean China” Turns the Screws on North Korea

    China’s ban on coal imports in the latest round of sanctions on North Korea does not equate to it turning its back on its neighbor, argue Eleonora Rossi and Sangsoo Lee. Last month was a busy period for North Korea watchers. On February 12, Pyongyang successfully conducted its first missile test of 2017, and on the following […]

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