Search results for: Niels Selling
ISDP Annual Report 2024
...and Russia reached new levels as Pyongyang has gone from selling arms to sending military personnel to Russia, to aid its efforts in the ongoing war in Ukraine. Meanwhile, during...
Sino-Russian Relations, From Where – To Where
...from selling and buying of weapons to a comprehensive cooperation involving training, exercises and expanded into military cooperation in technological research and development in emerging technologies. From the historic timeline...
Myanmar’s Ethnic Insurgents: UWSA, KNU and KIO
Since the elections of 2010, Myanmar’s political landscape has changed significantly; the old military junta has officially been dissolved and a new civilian government, led by President Thein...
India and the Environment Debate
Many in the international community have long anticipated the BRIC nations to assert their leadership in the global community. Yet it came as a surprise when India, at...
The Mekong River Dam Project: Overflowing Interests
The Mekong River – Southeast Asia’s largest river – runs from the Tibetan Plateau and through China’s Yunnan province. This part of the river is heavily dammed. South...
Same Old Regime, Same Old Sanctions
On the 31st of January, the Burmese parliament convened for the first time in over 20 years. However, little has changed from before. The outcome of the election...
North Korea’s Economy is Recentralised and China-reliant
...Link to the original article on East Asia Forum’s website. In North Korea, many enjoy making money for themselves by selling products in private markets. Under Kim Jong-un, expanding...
China and the EU: “Strategic Partners” No More
...the number of European scholars and analysts selling their academic souls and integrity is arguably and fortunately smaller than a few years ago. Human Rights vs Internal Affairs It is...
The European Union’s Political and Security Engagement with Central Asia: How to Move Forward
...has there. The EU has to identify the areas where it has a unique “selling point” in the eyes of the Central Asian states and where they are keen to...