The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Svante Cornell: EU har rätt svar men på fel fråga
Östra partnerskapet skapades 2009 efter Rysslands invasion av Georgien, på basis av ett svensk-polskt förslag. Tanken var att skapa ett instrument för att föra de sex länderna i Östeuropa och södra […]
Central Asia Is Not a Breeding Ground for Radicalization
Both in Europe and the United States, this argument is made with increasing frequency but it doesn’t reflect reality, argues Svante Cornell. On October 31, a citizen of Uzbekistan was […]
Centralasien – ingen grogrund för radikalisering
OPINION · ”Många pekar finger mot de centralasiatiska länderna. Problemet är att individerna i fråga inte radikaliseras i Centralasien. Förövarna i Stockholm och New York lämnade båda Uzbekistan för närmare ett […]
Europa bör ta chansen när Kazakhstan blickar västerut
När Ryssland och Turkiet vänder sig alltmer bort från Europa visar Kazakhstan tvärtom ett allt starkare intresse för att bli en del av den västliga gemenskapen. Trots det har institutioner […]
Turkey and the West: How Bad is it?
The U.S. suspension of visa services in Turkey is an indication of the depth of the fissures between the West and Turkey. While Turkish bureaucrats are trying to maintain functioning relations with the West, there are growing calls in Washington, Ankara and Berlin to redefine Turkey policy. Is Turkey headed for an incremental divorce with the West?
Kazakhstan in Europe: Why Not?
Executive Summary Is Kazakhstan a European state? The answer to this question could define the character of the country’s long-term relationship with European institutions and organizations, and profoundly affect the […]
Sounds, Silences and Turkey’s Crumbling Core
Since the failed coup of July 2016, Turkey’s spiralling descent ever deeper into authoritarianism has been characterized by arbitrary arrests and widespread abuses of even the draconian powers afforded the […]
The EU and Central Asia: Expanding Economic Cooperation, Trade, and Investment
Since the independence of the Central Asian states, this landlocked region has taken time to reconnect with the world, including Europe. Twenty-five years ago, many underestimated the diverse challenges – infrastructural, economic, political – that impeded the region’s trade and connectivity with the rest of the world. Yet as trade statistics show, much has been accomplished in a quarter century.
The European Union’s Political and Security Engagement with Central Asia: How to Move Forward
Despite an ambitious set of policy initiatives for Central Asia, the EU is punching below its weight in a region where Russia and China are far more influential. Ten years after the EU launched a strategy for Central Asia, the EU is still facing substantial challenges in implementing its strategy successfully.
Iran’s Azerbaijan Question in Evolution: Identity, Society, and Regional Security
Executive Summary Iranian Azerbaijanis have historically been considered the country’s most loyal ethno-linguistic minority. Predominantly Shiite, with religion being the most important source of collective identity, Turkophone Azerbaijanis had until […]