The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Seoul Says North Korea Didn’t Test Hwasong-17 ICBM After All
Introduction: North Korea claims that it successfully tested its new Hwasong-17 intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), which first appeared in a military parade in October 2020, on March 24, eight days after another […]
Russian Federation and China: Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative
Abstract: This Issue Brief looks at six Sino-Russian projects that have been placed under the rubric of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). Since, at the political level, China is […]
South Korea’s Relations With China and the US Under President-elect Yoon
Introduction: The presidential election in South Korea was a close call. President-elect Yoon Suk-yeol from the People Power Party won the election with a margin of 0.8 percentage points over […]
Quad: Divided over Ukraine, United in the Indo-Pacific?
Introduction: The Quadrilateral Security Dialogue (Quad) met on March 4, 2022, to lay to rest speculation that the group was in serious trouble over differences of opinion on the Ukraine […]
”Prioritera detta i försvarssatsningen”
Introduction: (Article in Swedish) När Sverige ska lägga mer pengar på försvarsförmågan vill jag peka på fem områden där betydande åtgärder behöver genomföras. Det skriver före detta generalmajor Mats Engman. […]
No, the War in Ukraine Is not about NATO
Introduction: Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has led to widespread condemnation and an unparalleled outpouring of support for Ukraine. At the same time, a motley crew, including some academics and former […]
How Will the Ukraine War Affect the Korean Peninsula?
Introduction: The arms race on the Korean Peninsula will linger following the Ukraine crisis. North Korea tested a cruise missile as part of an effort to develop its reconnaissance satellite system on […]
Japan’s Stake in the Ukraine Crisis
Introduction: Since February 26, Russia has engaged in continued all-out military action, amounting to a full-scale invasion in Ukraine. It recently ordered its nuclear deterrent forces to be on high […]
Putin’s Real Motives for the Invasion of Ukraine
Introduction: (Article in Swedish) Rysslands invasion av Ukraina har med rätta lett till starka fördömanden och ett stöd till Ukraina som saknar motstycke. Samtidigt finns det en högljudd grupp av […]
Will Finland and Sweden Join NATO Now?
Introduction: A historic shift is taking place in Finland. For the first time, most Finns want to join NATO. Across the Baltic Sea, Swedes are becoming more favorable towards membership […]