The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
How Can 2017 be a New Boost on China-Vietnam Relations over the South China Sea?
In China’s foreign relations regarding the South China Sea (SCS) Issues, Vietnam is undoubtedly one of the key countries that China has to face and need to be handled well […]
Myths and Mysteries: Six months on from Turkey’s Curious Coup
Six months after the failed coup of July 15, 2016, many questions still remain unanswered. Disturbingly, most can no longer be asked. Amid the purges, imprisonments and oppression, Turkey has […]
Turkey is Expecting a Restart with the U.S.
The Kurdish question has, once again, complicated Turkish-American relations. The rhetoric of anti-Americanism remains useful to whip up and mobilize nationalist opinion. Yet, Erdoğan’s Islamists are not any aspiring anti-imperialists. […]
EU–China trade to bolster security in the South Caucasus
Foreign investment in Georgia is strengthening the country’s importance in connecting East Asia with Europe, which has positive implications for the broader region. The rise in FDI in commercial and […]
Russia: an Enabler of Jihad?
Russian officials have had to contain their glee in monitoring recent political events in America and Europe. They appear to think their days in the cold may soon be over. […]
Assassination in Ankara: Russia, NATO, and Turkey’s Violent Politics
On December 19, Mevlut Mert Altintas, a Turkish police officer, assassinated Andrei Karlov, Russia’s ambassador to Turkey. His action was apparently meant as retribution for Russian bombings in eastern Aleppo, […]
Turkey’s Proposed Constitutional Changes and Erdoğan’s Forever War
The package of proposed amendments to the Turkish constitution that were announced on December 10 foresee the gradual concentration of even more power in the hands of President Recep Tayyip […]
Centralasien kan åter bli länk mellan öst och väst
Fem postsovjetiska republiker i Centralasien firar nu 25 år som självständiga stater. De första åren för de centralasiatiska republikerna var en prövotid, när det gällde att bygga upp en ny […]
Följer Frankrike i Trumps spår?
Sarkozy utslagen: Högern valde den mer liberale men nästan lika invandringskritiske François Fillon. – Vi står på randen till inbördeskrig, säger den franska säkerhetspolisens chef Patrick Calvar och konstaterar att extremismen […]
The Fragile Global Commons in a World in Transition
Abstract: There are vast spaces of the earth that lie outside the sovereign jurisdiction of any single sovereign state, including much of the world’s oceans, the atmosphere, outer space, and […]