The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
A New Era in China-Czech Relations Begins
Liu Minru: Relations between China and the Czech Republic have intensified in the last two years, as demonstrated by the upcoming fourth meeting between President Xi Jinping and Czech President Milos Zeman since February 2014.
기고] 미·중의 셈법, 한국은 없다
북한의 4차 핵실험과 장거리 미사일(로켓) 발사에 따른 유엔 안보리 대북 제재 결의안 초안이 마침내 모습을 드러냈다. 다소 늦은 감은 있지만 한국의 한반도 사드(고고도미사일방어체계) 배치 카드와 개성공단 가동 전면중단 결정이 중국을 […]
Modi’s growth push casts shadow on chances of long-term success
At the time when India is becoming the rotating presiding country of the BRICS group, the myth that India’s economy has successfully caught up with China’s also resonates. Indeed, behind […]
Can Myanmar Avoid Conflict Pitfalls in its Hydro Blitz?
Myanmar has the lowest rate of electrification in Southeast Asia. Addressing the population’s energy needs is essential for economic development and alleviating poverty. However, tapping into the country’s rich hydropower […]
New Silk Road
More than two millennia ago, two main trade routes linked ancient China with other nations in the world–the Silk Road and the Maritime Silk Road. Since these ancient times, the […]
Much at stake for Turnbull and the region at East Asia Summit
The 10th East Asia Summit this weekend promises to be one of the most interesting bits of summitry in some time. This, the last stop on Malcolm Turnbull’s five-nation tour […]
Future of Drug Policy: Real Solutions Grounded in Global Evidence
Japan is a country well-known for its well-organized society, economic successes, advanced technology, exquisite food, and sophisticated art. Yet, one of its remarkable successes seems to be largely unknown to […]
South Korea’s secret weapon against the North
On 25 August 2015, top-level negotiators from North and South Korea reached a six-point agreement in the aftermath of a period of high military tension. Now is a crucial time […]
China’s New Silk Road: a Security Deficit?
China needs to partner up with the governments of Greater Central Asia to increase stability and security or the New Silk Road initiative will be difficult to implement, writes Niklas […]