The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Sino-Russian relations: More rhetoric than substance?
Despite some re-engagement between China and Russia since Putin’s initial embrace of the West, the positive rhetoric of today often does not reflect reality. There has been significant internal competition […]
Karikatyrer skapar inte demokrati [Caricatures do not create a democracy]
Mediedrevet mot Azerbajdzjan under schlagerfestivalen väcker frågor om hur demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter på bästa sätt kan främjas. Med viss rätta kan intensiteten i kritiken ifrågasättas, skriver Svante Cornell, direktör […]
Japan’s ODA Still Going Strong
In the 1990s, Japan was the world’s top donor. This position was lost in 2001, after a prolonged economic slump, a deteriorating fiscal situation, and increasingly critical public view of […]
India’s Call on BRICS: Aligning with China without a Deal
China–India association in the BRICS bloc of countries is an example of multilateralism at its height. For China, the BRICS group holds a strategic significance as it is targeted towards […]
The Rise of Emerging Economies & Its Impact
We are living through a major power shift: the making of a post-Western world. The days of Western dominance on the global stage are gone. China, India and Brazil are […]
After the Death of Kim Jong Il: Everything and Nothing has Changed
The death of Kim Jong Il has sent shivers down the spine of many leaders in Asia and the world. In South Korea, the armed forces have been put on […]
Myanmar’s Push for Democracy
Last year Myanmar held its first elections in over 20 years. Despite doubts about the validity of the elections, there have been several noteworthy developments. Even so, the intentions of […]
Changing Southeast Asia: The Role of China, the United States, Japan and ASEAN
Southeast Asia’s international perspective has been changing sharply in the twenty-first century. A multipolar structure has emerged, in which China, the U.S. and Japan work together with ASEAN to maintain […]
A Blue or Green Future for Cross-Strait Relations?
On January 14, 2012, the Taiwanese people will cast their votes in both legislative and presidential elections, choosing between a continuation of President Ma’s policy of rapprochement towards Beijing or […]
Myanmar: Eastern Clout & Western Absence
Myanmar is a strategically located country. Its coastline meets the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea to the west, borders Thailand and Laos to the east, China to the […]