The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
A Changing Calculus Towards North Korea in Beijing?
North Korea’s advances in nuclear weapons and missile technology, in combination with its recent escalation of bellicose rhetoric against the US and its allies, have triggered a reassessment in various […]
Threats of Nuclear Terrorism: A Case Study of India
In the post-9/11 world, India’s nuclear establishment is threatened by nuclear terrorism. Some analysts suggest that India may be home to up to 36 active terrorist organizations. It is thus […]
The Korean Peninsula in Flames?
Reflections on the present escalation of conflict on the Korean Peninsula and examines possible dialogue options to reduce the current tensions.
Invisible Ink: Looking for the Lost Trade between China, Russia, and Central Asia
China, Russia, and the Central Asian States have consistently engaged in economic relations. However, the bilateral trade statistics that are publicly available show a history of inconsistent and unreliable reporting […]
Russian Organized Crime and its Impact on Foreign Economies
Russian organized crime represents a new level of professional crime, reflected in its high level of criminal sophistication and the well-developed network of corruption links. Its activities and influence are […]
Two Steps Forward & Four Steps back: The Impact of the North Korean Nuclear Test
Reflections on North Korea’s third nuclear test and what impacts it may have on the Korean Peninsula, the U.S., China and the region.
North Korea: Nukes, Nationalism & Negotiations
As South Korea this month takes up the rotating presidency of the United Nations Security Council, concerns over North Korea’s nuclear program grow. Pyongyang’s recent rocket tests, its anticipated third […]
Whither the OSCE and the Euro-Atlantic & Eurasian Security Community?
The latest OSCE Ministerial Council in Dublin, on December 6–7, 2012, has shed light on the challenges and opportunities that the organization will continue to face, as well as on […]
North Korea’s Fourth Satellite Launch Attempt
North Korea has announced that it will attempt another satellite launch between December 10 and 22. As North Korea has an active nuclear weapons program and launching a satellite is […]
Deciphering the Security Community Debate
Several attempts have been made in recent years to revive a process towards developing more trust and reconciliation in the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian space. But much of this debate has […]