The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Historical Changes in Relations Between China and Neighboring Countries (1949–2012)
The concept of the ‘neighborhood’ (zhoubian) has a prominent place in China’s thinking about its foreign policy, as good relations with neighboring countries have great significance for China’s development. There […]
Turkey, the Unhelpful Ally
AMERICA’S stated goal is to remove President Bashar al-Assad from power in Syria. The United States also insists that any solution to the Syrian crisis should guarantee religious and ethnic […]
Shale Gas: The Key in the US’ Asia Pivot?
The “shale gas revolution” in the US could provide significant leverage in the US “pivot” to Asia. As China looks to absorb the technological know-how of shale gas extraction from […]
Russian Organized Crime and its Impact on Foreign Economies
Russian organized crime represents a new level of professional crime, reflected in its high level of criminal sophistication and the well-developed network of corruption links. Its activities and influence are […]
Two Steps Forward & Four Steps back: The Impact of the North Korean Nuclear Test (republished)
Reflections on North Korea’s third nuclear test and what impacts it may have on the Korean Peninsula, the U.S., China and the region.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Turkey’s Internal Power Struggle
In recent weeks, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has become increasingly outspoken in his criticism of the highly politicized court cases, such as Ergenekon and Sledgehammer, that have resulted […]
Two Steps Forward & Four Steps back: The Impact of the North Korean Nuclear Test
Reflections on North Korea’s third nuclear test and what impacts it may have on the Korean Peninsula, the U.S., China and the region.
North Korea: Nukes, Nationalism & Negotiations
As South Korea this month takes up the rotating presidency of the United Nations Security Council, concerns over North Korea’s nuclear program grow. Pyongyang’s recent rocket tests, its anticipated third […]
Promoting Democracy in Myanmar: Political Party Capacity Building
The burgeoning democracy in Myanmar relies on the strength and capacity of the country’s political parties. This paper by Aung Aung, a Burmese guest researcher at ISDP in 2012, explores […]
How Serious is Erdogan about Joining the SCO Instead of the EU?
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s talk of joining the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and abandoning the pursuit of EU membership cannot be dismissed as loose talk, but neither does it herald a major […]