Kajari Kamal
Dr Kajari Kamal is an Associate Professor at Takshashila Institution in India. She has designed the curriculum of the Introduction to Arthashastra module for our GCPP (Defence & Foreign Affairs) programme and her research focuses on the concept of ‘strategic culture’ in the Indian context.
She is a graduate in History from Lady Sri Ram College (1995-1998) and a postgraduate in International Relations from Jawaharlal Nehru University (1998-2000). She has received her doctoral degree from the University of Hyderabad. Her PhD thesis titled, “Kautilya’s Arthashastra and Indian Strategic Culture: A Comparative Study of Two Phases of India’s Foreign Policy, 1947-1964 and 1998-2014”, reflects the convergence of her interest in ancient Indian historical text and contemporary strategic studies. Her dissertation assesses the salience of Kautilyan ideas to better understand India’s foreign policy.
Dr Kamal is a regular guest speaker at premier defence institutions and writes regularly for several online platforms and journals. Her forthcoming book on Kautilya’s Arthashastra and Indian Foreign Policy is scheduled for an August 2022 publication.