Search results for: S. Frederick Starr
Walking for Justice: The Path Forward for Turkey’s Opposition
...With his call for justice, which is a concept and a call that resonates among vast swathes of the population, CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has positioned himself as...
South Korea’s Air Pollution: Gasping for Solutions
...Tackling South Korea’s deteriorating air pollution is an urgent issue for the new administration in Seoul. However, there are no quick-fix solutions to the problem. In this Policy Brief,...
S borde värna Sveriges akademiska frihet
...visar att det knappast sker utifrån en styrkeposition, skriver företrädare för Academic Rights Watch i en replik. Det är mycket glädjande att se högskoleministern Helene Hellmark Knutsson och Europaparlamentarikern Marita...
Turkey & Qatar’s Support for Extremist Groups
...President Trump made clear in Sunday’s Riyadh speech that America stands by countries willing to fight Islamist extremism. A welcome opportunity to revisit our relationship with two ostensible allies,...
Turkey’s Authoritarian Legacy
...It’s tempting to blame the country’s recent slide into repression on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s thirst for personal power. But did the ruling Islamist party ever really abandon the...
Obligations & Roles of the U.S. and Neighboring Countries for the Reunification of Korea
...Current developments on the Korean Peninsula necessitates that more steps need to be taken towards reunification. With this aim in mind, Hwang, outlines the responsibility and role that both...
Assessing China’s Leadership in the North Korea Crisis
...The ongoing nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula is testing Beijing’s ability to assume Northeast Asian leadership in the interest of its own security and regional stability. China’s actions...
EU:s politiska elit har blundat för folklig oro
...Den 29 mars begärde Storbritannien formellt utträde ur EU. Förhandlingarna kan bli svåra och långdragna, men om vi nu har hämtat oss efter brexit-chocken kan vi se fram emot...
Collective Bargaining: New Hope for China’s Workers?
...In China, rising economic and social inequality mean that labour tensions are high. President Xi Jinping has responded with a new idea where the All China Federation of...
Ticking Clocks: Erdoğan and Turkey’s Constitutional Referendum
...Whatever the outcome, the Turkish constitutional referendum on April 16 will not resolve the country’s chronic domestic instability, heal its deepening social divisions, revive its flagging economy or end...