Search results for: Park Chang-kwoun
Russian Federation and China: Cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative
...picture of what projects are exactly being counted under the BRI. This Issue Brief shows that three of them — Yamal LNG, Asinovskiy Timber Industry Park, and the Belkomur —...
Towards a New Conflict Management System on the Korean Peninsula: A Military Perspective
...predecessor Park Geun-hye. The transfer entails the acquisition of critical capabilities by the ROK military leadership to be able to utilize and coordinate ROK-U.S. alliance systems effectively, an important element...
Negotiating North Korea’s Nukes
...also deteriorated as the conservative administrations of Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye insisted on North Korea’s denuclearization as a precondition for engagement. With the incoming Trump administration, 2017 was a...
Window of Opportunity: Breaking Impasse on the Korean Peninsula
...North Korea’s willingness to improve ties and deescalate tensions with South Korea after a decade of largely frosty relations under the Lee Myung-bak and Park Geun-hye administrations. Yet whether it...
Sustaining Dialogue on the Korean Peninsula
...certain failure. The Republic of Korea: A Desire for Peace and Government Reform In the summer of 2016, frustration grew over former ROK President Park Guen-hye’s handling of certain domestic...
Illusion’s End: Erdoğan and Turkey’s Coming Economic Chill
...downturn as a result of the 2007-2008 economic crisis, the economy continued to grow. Even though Erdoğan’s international reputation first faltered and then collapsed during the 2013 Gezi Park Protests,...
Living on Different Planets: Washington, Ankara and the Zarrab Case
...Erdoğan and the ultra-nationalists, because following the 2013 Gezi Park protests, Erdoğan himself apparently came to believe that the United States had turned the “Gülenist weapon” against him. He concluded...
Turkey and the West: How Bad is it?
...2011 but more visibly since the 2013 Gezi Park protests, Turkey’s relations with the U.S. and the EU have become increasingly tense. Turkey’s ever deepening authoritarianism, virulent anti-Westernism and recent...
Walking for Justice: The Path Forward for Turkey’s Opposition
...risky for the regime; it would risk triggering upheaval, as happened after the police violently dispersed the Gezi Park protesters in Istanbul 2013, and create international attention, which the “Justice...
Creatively Managing China-Vietnam Relations in the South China Sea
...full implementation of bilateral agreements. Moreover, the content of expert-level talks could be expanded to include more functional cooperation topics, such as establishing a marine park in overlapping claimed areas....