Search results for: Halil M. Karaveli
Turkey’s Kurdish Conflict: 2015-Present
...the political decision-making process by legal means. Endnotes 1 Halil Karaveli, “Reconciling Statism with Freedom. Turkey’s Kurdish Opening”, Silk Road Paper, October 2010, 2 B. B. Özpek & Mutluer,...
The Crackdown on HDP: Sustaining Authoritarianism with Ethnic Polarization
...nationalism to neutralize the opposition. Yet the opposition cannot dodge its own responsibility for the dismantling of democracy in the Kurdish cities of Turkey. Its refusal to make a principled...
Svensk socialdemokrati bör ge turkiska oppositionen stöd
...Nu krävs en idépolitisk mobilisering för att bemöta och på sikt besegra den turkiska högernationalism som blivit ett gränsöverskridande hot. De socialdemokratiska partierna CHP och HDP kan fungera som...
Book Review: Le naufrage des civilisations
...Tyskland och brexit är symptom på en och samma civilisationskris. I sin nya essä, ”Le naufrage des civilisations” (Civilisationernas förlisning), belönad med Prix Aujourd’hui för bästa politiska och historiska bok...
The Rise and Rise of the Turkish Right
...the M.H.P., in municipal elections in Ankara, Istanbul and several others cities has led to premature commentary that Turkey is on the verge of change. By wresting control of mayoral...
Can Turkey Change?
...with continuity than one would imagine. Similarly, the June 24 elections showed that Turkish electoral dynamics remain largely unchanged, even though the social democrat candidate Muharrem İnce’s campaign as well...
Will the Kurdish Question Secure Erdoğan’s Re-election? neutralize the potential power of the Kurdish political movement, by transferring power from the parliament to the presidency. The introduction of the presidential system is in large measure a...
Turkey’s Emergency Election: The Primacy of Raison d’etat
...agreement, then I would have assumed my responsibility. The contacts of Temel Bey (the leader of the Felicity Party) have shown that no such agreement exists. I’m thus not a...
Turkey’s Authoritarian Legacy
...secularist-nationalist founding ideology of the Turkish republic—and which the military embodied. According to the conventional narrative on Turkey, with which anyone who has only casually followed international politics during the...
Can “Constitutional Engineering” Once Again Succeed in Pacifying Turkey?
...supposed to neutralize the Kurdish challenge. However, it may be that Turkey’s ethnic fissure may prevent it from developing either democracy or stable authoritarian rule. BACKGROUND: Turkish lawmakers on January...