News & Media
Niklas Swanström in P1 Morgon on the Tensions Between North Korea and the US
“Ytterligare sanktioner kan få Nordkorea att agera militärt.”
Summary of the ISDP Forum “Japan as a Global Actor”
On April 6, 2017, the Institute for Security and Development Policy welcomed Ambassador Jun Yamazaki, Ambassador of Japan to Sweden, for a presentation on Japan as a global actor. The event was moderated by Dr. Lars Vargö, Distinguished Fellow at ISDP. Ambassador Yamazaki opened by announcing the 150th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Sweden […]
Niklas Swanström in Chinese newspaper People on China-EU cooperation prospects
Lars Vargö in Sveriges Radios Studio Ett on the Developments on the Korean Peninsula
April 26, 2017: Lars Vargö was interviwed in Sveriges Radios Studio Ett on the developments on the Korean Peninsula.
Lars Vargö to Hold Presentation on Security Issues in East Asia at the Swedish Parliament
On May 3rd, Lars Vargö holds a presentation at the Swedish Parliament on security issues in East Asia
Gareth H. Jenkins Quoted in The Irish Times on Calls to Annul Turkish Referendum
April 17, 2017 – Gareth H. Jenkins was quoted in The Irish Times on opposition to President Erdoğan calling to annul the April 16th referendum. “We’ve seen over the last year that president Erdoğan and the government have almost total control of the judicial system. Past experience shows that any judge opposed to the government […]
Halil Karaveli Quoted on President Erdoğan’s Victory in Turkish Referendum
April 23rd, 2017 – Halil Karaveli was quoted in Telangana Today, The Seattle Times and The NZ Herald on the significance of the constitutional amendments recently approved in referendum. “What we are seeing is actually an attempt to consolidate state power in Turkey”
Halil Karaveli in Sveriges Radio’s Studio Ett on Erdoğan’s Power in Post-referendum Turkey
April 18th, 2017 – Halil Karaveli was interviewed in Sveriges Radio’s Studio Ett on President Erdoğan’s power following his victory in Turkish referendum. Follow this link or click the audio player below to hear the interview.
Swedish media reports on North Korean Ambassador’s visit to ISDP
Several Swedish newspapers reported on Ambassador Yong Dok Kang’s presentation at ISDP on Friday, April 21st and the Q&A session that followed. Among them were Svenska Dagbladet, Folkbladet, Norrköpings Tidningar, Corren, Enköpings Posten, and Sydsvenskan. Sveriges Radio Ekot also covered the event. Niklas Swanström: “Att ingen av parterna vill initiera ett krig, tycker jag är uppenbart. Däremot finns det stora risker […]
Braced for War – Current Tensions on the Korean Peninsula
On April 21, 2017, the Institute for Security and Development Policy welcomed Ambassador Kang Yong Dok, Ambassador of the DPRK to Sweden, for a presentation on DPRK’s view on the escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The event was moderated by Dr. Niklas Swanström, Director of ISDP. The event consisted firstly of a statement read by […]