Presentation by Ms. Sophie Butcher on Politics, Challenges and Opportunities in Myanmar

On August 25, Ms. Sophie Butcher, the Country Manager of ISDP’s work in Myanmar, held an in-house presentation in which she provided ISDP staff with an update on the latest developments of the ISDP Myanmar Project and on politics, challenges and opportunities in Myanmar. Ms. Sophie Butcher highlighted the changing context in Myanmar as a result of the new NLD government coming into power in March 2016 and the reinvigoration of the peace process, with the Union Political Dialogue – Panglong 21st Century Conference scheduled to start next week.
Ms. Sophie Butcher discussed the priorities and policies of the NLD government and important changes in the relationships between key stakeholders in Myanmar, including but not limited to, between the NLD government and the Myanmar Defence Services. Along with the opportunities that the new government and the peace process provide Myanmar with, Ms. Butcher also provided insights into the day to day challenges that many people in Myanmar face, particularly discussing conflict affected areas. After the completion of her presentation, Ms. Butcher answered further questions from staff about the project and the current situation in Myanmar.