Niklas Swanström in TV4 on the intensified “balloon war” on the Korean Peninsula and Putin’s visit to North Korea

June 11, 2024: Niklas Swanström, ISDP’s Executive Director, was interviewed by TV4 about the intensified trash balloon conflict on the Korean Peninsula and Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea.
The so-called ‘balloon war’ between North and South Korea has escalated further. On Sunday night, North Korea launched around 310 new balloons in response to South Korea’s balloons filled with anti-North Korean propaganda. Find the interview here (in Swedish).
Russian President Vladimir Putin will soon visit North Korea and its leader Kim Jong Un. The trip is planned for June and preparations are said to be in full swing. “The North Koreans are looking forward to this visit immensely,” says Niklas Swanström. Find the interview here (in Swedish).