Global Challenges and Global Ethics in a time of Pandemic and Climate change – Day 2

Welcome to the Second CIPSH International Academy on Chinese Cultures
and Global Humanities Seminar 6–7 December 2021!
The first CIPSH International Academy on Chinese Cultures and global Humanities Seminar organized by the Union Académique Internationale (UAI) in collaboration with the Stockholm China Center at the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) in Stockholm, and the topic was “Chinese and European Resources for a Global Ethic”. As a sequel to this first seminar, a second CIPSH International Academy on Chinese Cultures and Global Humanities Seminar will be held on December 6–7 2021. The topic of this second seminar will be “Global Challenges and Global Ethics in a time of pandemic and climate change”, and just like last time, the Stockholm China Center will provide the digital platform.
Our time faces two major global challenges: climate change and the corona pandemic.
Human-induced climate change has been widely known since the 1990s. Global warming is no longer a future threat but has become an acute crisis, affecting the world through devastating storms, flooding, and droughts. And the poorest nations are hit the worst. The corona pandemic has so far led to five million deceased and many more hospitalized. It has shaken economies and social institutions around the world. Both these global crises demand unified global responses and global solidarity. However, so far, the responses are far from what is needed, and states and regions are acting from self-interests and in conflict. This workshop explores the meaning and implications of global ethics in a time of climate change and pandemics. Scholars from different parts of the world and with different cultural backgrounds will present their views and engage in discussions. How can religious, cultural, and secular traditions be used as resources for reflection and inspire decision-making? How can global ethics contribute to resilience and hope?
This event is organized by the Union Académique Internationale (UAI) in collaboration with the Stockholm China Center at the Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP) in Stockholm.
6 December (Central European Time)
9:15–9:30 Ping-Chen Hsiung 熊秉真, Luiz Oosterbeek and Torbjörn Lodén: Words of welcome
Session 1
Chair: Göran Collste
9:30-9:50 George Kodimattan: “Climate Change, Vanishing Himalayan Glaciers, and Global Ethical Concern.”
9:50-10:10 Giuseppe Di Capua: “Geoethics as global ethics to face global anthropogenic Changes.”
10:10–10:30 Discussion
Session 2
Chair: Luiz Oosterbeek
10:30–10:50 Dixon Kanakulya: “COVID-19 and the Ethics of Human Security within Asymmetric Sino-East African Relations.”
10:50–11:10 Yonghui Ma 马永慧: “Ethical reflections on the ‘QR code dilemma’ of the elderly during the pandemic in China.”
11:10–11:30 Discussion
11:30–11:45 Coffee/Tea break
Session 3
Chair: Torbjörn Lodén
11:45–12:05 Frank Fu-Yuan Shih 石富元: “The Dilemma between Public Health versus Individual Rights Confronting COVID 19 in Taiwan.”
12:05–12:25 Tony Hsiu-Hsi Chen 陳秀熙: “COVID-19 pandemic for Revelation of Health Humanities.”
12:25–12:45 Discussion
7 December (Central European Time)
Session 4
Chair: Yonghui Ma 马永慧
9:30–9:50 Maosen Li 李茂森: “The Initiative Principle in Confucianism and Its Implication in China’s Public Policy for the Pandemic and Climate Change.”
9:50–10:10 Soraj Hongladarom: “Thinking about Intercultural Ethics at the Time of the Global Pandemic.”
10:10–10:30 Discussion
10:30–10:45 Coffee/Tea break
Session 5
Chair: Torbjörn Lodén
10:45–11:05 Ping-Chen Hsiung 熊秉真: “Ambivalent Pleasure: Crickets in Chinese History.”
11:05–11.25 Luiz Oosterbeek: “Emerging Global Ethic? An assessment of cultural responses to the Covid-19 pandemic.”
11:25–11:45 Göran Collste: “Where you live should not determine whether you live. Global justice and the distribution of vaccines.”
11:45–12:30 Concluding discussion
Find additional information in the Seminar Program.
Here you can watch the recording of the first and the second day of the webinar on ISDP’s YouTube channel.