The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Keeping Everyone Happy: India Balances Historical Ties with Russia with its National Interest
Almost one year into the Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, and Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine shows no sign of waning: the fighting continues, and so does the scale […]
Revitalizing INSTC: Analyzing Geopolitical Realignments and the China Factor
In recent years, the rise of Asia as the geoeconomic and geostrategic fulcrum has not only realigned global geopolitics but also reasserted the need for regional connectivity. For example, the […]
North Korea Needs More International Partners to Weather Its Food Crisis
North Korea has long been one of the most isolated countries in the world, but its isolation became even more extreme amid the pandemic. The country has cut off its […]
Joe Biden’s Approach To Eurasia Is Stuck In The Past
Introduction: With considerable pomp and circumstance, the Biden administration recently unveiled its signature National Security Strategy. The document, intended as an authoritative expression of the Administration’s priorities in the field of […]
Maritime Road to 2030: EU’s Indo-Pacific Footprint and India
Summary: Europe’s role and presence in the Indo-Pacific has become a matter of great strategic importance in the current global politics. China’s disruptive role in the region, especially with its […]
India and the Quad in America’s New National Defense Strategy
This article was originally posted on the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies (JFSS) website, you can find the article here. The US Department of Defense issued the new National […]
The G7’s oil price cap is a perilous gamble
Introduction: Right before Russia’s Gazprom completely stifled gas flows through the Nord Stream I pipeline, G7 leaders had agreed in early September to implement a price cap on Russian energy […]
Introduction: マドリードNATO首脳会議における結論を踏まえて、7月5日、加盟30ヵ国はスウェーデンとフィンランドの加盟議定書に署名を行った。これで政治的、軍事的、法的に加盟基準が満たされることが認められ、両国のNATO加盟への道が正式に開かれることになった。ウラジーミル・プーチン・ロシア大統領は、ウクライナがNATO加盟を果たすことで西側同盟線が自国に近づくことを嫌って侵略戦争に訴えた筈だが、結果的には両国の加盟によって北欧諸国が全てNATO加盟国となり、その同盟線はバルト海を中心に据える形で自国により接近し、バルチック艦隊を擁する自国領カリーニングラードも包囲されるという思わぬ結果を招くことになった。 You can read the full article (in Japanese) about Sweden and NATO on KaFSA’s website.
Taiwan in Tokyo’s 2022 Defense White Paper: Reconfiguring Security Imperatives?
This article was originally posted on the Japan Forum for Strategic Studies (JFSS) website, you can find the article here. A few days prior to the highly controversial visit […]
Will Pyongyang’s NATO Tirades Pay Dividends?
Introduction: As the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) summit was being held in Madrid, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea’s (DPRK or North Korea) state media outlet Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) […]