The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
Hotet mot Väst är imperialism, inte diktatur
Introduction: (Article in Swedish) Rysslands oprovocerade anfallskrig mot Ukraina har lett till en debatt om hur västvärlden i framtiden kan förhindra liknande övergrepp. Många har noterat att världen har blivit […]
Rysslands dubbelspel med islamistiska terrorister
Introduction: (Article in Swedish) I flera artiklar har Kvartal tagit upp märkliga omständigheter kring terroristen Rakhmat Akilov, inte minst de faktum att en sajt med misstänkt koppling till ryska säkerhetstjänster i ett tidigt […]
Kazakhstan’s Crisis Calls for a Central Asia Policy Reboot
The recent crisis in Kazakhstan took many by surprise. Long considered the most prosperous and stable in Central Asia, it now suddenly appears fragile and weak. To draw lessons from […]
First Fiji, Then the World
How the prime minister of a tiny group of Pacific islands has become an international power player. See original article in Foreign Policy here. Immediately after his election victory in […]
It’s Time for the European Union to Talk to North Korea
Brussels has an ostensible policy of “critical engagement” towards North Korea. This approach combines sanctions, humanitarian aid and dialogue. But since 2016 there have been many sanctions and no substantial […]
Compatible Interests? The EU and China’s Belt and Road Initiative
Executive Summary While China and the European Union are at opposite ends of the Eurasian continent, booming trade, along with China’s rise as a global power, has made their relationship […]
The Crackdown on HDP: Sustaining Authoritarianism with Ethnic Polarization
By the end of November 2019, 24 out of 69 mayors in Kurdish cities in Turkey had been dismissed and 19 had been arrested. The Turkish regime exploits nationalism to […]
Ökat försvarssamarbete i norra Europa gagnar Sveriges säkerhet
Med geopolitikens återkomst har norra Europa förflyttats till frontlinjen av de strategiska spänningar som nu definierar världspolitiken. Framöver måste regionen navigera i den ökande konkurrensen mellan stormakterna. Tre utmaningar kräver särskild […]
Svensk socialdemokrati bör ge turkiska oppositionen stöd
Nu krävs en idépolitisk mobilisering för att bemöta och på sikt besegra den turkiska högernationalism som blivit ett gränsöverskridande hot. De socialdemokratiska partierna CHP och HDP kan fungera som en […]
Turkey’s Russia Affair
Turkey’s deepening partnership with Russia needs to be situated within a larger context. Turkey is moving closer toward Russia at a time when the West is beset by considerable turmoil. […]