The Institute for Security and Development Policy regularly issues a variety of publications ranging from shorter Policy Briefs to more comprehensive studies in its Asia and Silk Road Papers series. Explore the different series below. If you’d like to contribute to our publications, please contact Jagannath Panda, Editor, at, and read our submission guidelines.
China’s stance on UNSC Reform: The Developing World Factor
Pursuing smart diplomacy, building global alliance and pushing the cause of the developing world has been the hallmark of Chinese global diplomacy in recent times. Beijing’s advocacy for greater partaking […]
The Japanese Disaster: Are Politicians Up To the Task?
The effects of the series of disasters that are evolving in Japan are staggering. In the national calamity created by the disasters that are ravaging the Japanese nation, there is […]
Belarus Arms Trade
The events in Libya have once again put focus on Belarus as an arms exporter. According to the Congressional Research Service, Belarus has sold or delivered weapons worth an estimated […]
Blindsided – The United States and North African Unrest
For the last fifty years, U.S. foreign policy vis-à-vis Arab and Middle Eastern nations has been dominated by two big issues: the Israeli state and secure access to oil. Even […]
As Libya is Set Ablaze, Asian Navies Set Sail
Late last week, China and South Korea decided to dispatch warships to support the evacuation of their citizens from Libya. This is the first time for either country to send […]
Europe and Afghan Heroin
As the war in Afghanistan reaches the decade mark, the effort to stem opium poppy cultivation has taken a turn for the worse. International efforts to defeat the Taliban have […]
What’s Happening on the Korean Peninsula in 2011?
The Korean Peninsula was in a tough and dangerous situation in 2010. The escalation of tensions started with the sinking of the South Korean warship Cheonan in March 2010 and […]
Stepping Back From the Brink at Preah Vihear: Cambodia and Thailand’s Choice
Regarded as a “sideshow” to U.S. foreign policy interests during America’s Vietnam era, Cambodia has often been overshadowed in the region by its more economically influential Southeast Asian neighbors. Yet, […]
“New Life” for Russia
Millions of Russians are estimated to be addicted to illicit drugs. Despite the enforcement of a new drug policy, the government has not been successful in reducing the number of […]
The Myanmar-EU Roadmap: New Possibilities in a Changing Myanmar
More and more individuals in Europe and in Myanmar are voicing their frustration regarding the unproductive bilateral deadlock, many of whom are also proactively seeking solutions to the problematic relationship. […]